Wednesday, April 27, 2011

baking up a storm once again

Get all your ingredients ready. Or else- don't even bother baking.
The STAR ingredient. If a recipe does not include vanilla essence, burn it. It's worthless. I promise you.
Cocoa Powder.. Smells amazing. But obviously not as good as vanilla essence.
equal parts of butter with chocolate. 250g each. Oh god. That's not good is it.
cut butter in equal parts..
transfer cut pieces into double boiler to make your sinful batch of melted chocolate

Seriously, having one of these babies helps you out in your baking a TON, and also- the product will taste much, much better. :]]]

IMPORTANT: NEVER, EVER add all your "wet" ingredients at once. With eggs, especially, beat each one individually until it is well incorporated into your mix. Ideally, this would create better consistency.
once texture is added to a batter, always "fold" the mixture gently.
indeed, a Baker's Helper. This helps scrape out every little last bit of mix!
leave to cool for at least seven to eight hours. Rest the little brownie baby! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CUT IT WHILE IT IS STILL HOT. I've tried this, and it was a disaster.

So an hour and ten minutes later..
the brownies are done!

This is the first time I decided to blog in picture format.
I don't know what this is called.
Video blogging= vlogging.
Logic would entail that photo + blogging = plogging/phlogging.
I hate the word logic

I waited till this morning to slice them, and gave the majority to my friend for his birthday.
The remaining pieces were distributed amongst certain commerce students that are preparing for their accounting test, and are sitting for it as I type this blog.

Full marks for my English portfolio piece. Am a happy camper.
If only I could ace the upcoming essays too.
The "easiest" course in university, I am finding the most difficult.
Is something wrong with me?
Or is logic just too hard a skill to master?

Let's hope for more A's! In the meantime.
More baking, and more study.

All my love always,


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