Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This color makes me happy. 
This color. I don't know what it's called. Lilac? 
I have no idea, but it makes me think of that one time I was allowed to chew Hubba Bubba bubble gum and not feel like a total idiot.
This being, last year.

I was at the dairy today, and bought a packet of grape bubble gum.
I've never felt so judged in my life.
The registry person even asked me how old I was.
First, he SQUINTED. Then he asked, "So you are a uni student?"
To that I replied, "Yes I am."
His eyes wandered slowly over to the little mints and 'adult-like' breath fresheners, then slowly back at the packet of gum in my hand.
His eyes then wandered back at me, and he squinted, AGAIN, and then cocked an eyebrow.
I never knew I had the ability to blush, but at that point my skin was burning the color RED, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a hole and die

The most depreciating conversation I've ever participated in to date:

Scene: Greenhithe Dairy

Evil Man: "You still like bubble gum...?"

I looked down at my phone.
Very Evil Man: "So does my daughter."

I smile, trying to be polite.

"How old is she?"

Very, Very Evil Man: "She's turning 7."

I glare at him. I'm so done being nice.

STUPID EVIL MAN: "That'll be $2.30"

Ugh, I am rendered speechless.
In what universe is Hubba Bubba chewing gum limited to age?!
Last I heard- Hubba Bubba makes the world go round.
You know.
If everyone bothered to chew this amazing colorful bubble gum, world peace is definitely attainable! If we all just sat down, and allocated a specific time to CHEW BLOODY PURPLE BUBBLE GUM... *hyperventilates*

I think. I am having some sort of going-back-to-uni-crisis.
I feel old. Not wiser; just older.
Because I cannot get away with things like chewing hubba bubba, and wanting to ride on the merry go round at theme parks instead of that one crazy roller coaster that makes your insides churn horribly.
I wish the job occupation of "PRINCESS" is still acceptable- but it isn't.
Can't I just move to the Buckingham Palace, or as my mom likes to call it, "that fucking palace", and chase corgi's all day long?
Ugh. Them dogs have a better life than I do, I'm willing to bet.

I thought about this a lot today, and god, I am old.
There are many things I wish I have the liberty to do but can't,
and yet- there are so many things which I am allowed to do, and can.

Tomorrow uni continues on. It's only the first half of the first semester of my first year experiencing tertiary education...and in all honesty?
I hate it.
The people there are lovely. My god, the people are amazing.
But the workload is a bitch, and gunning for that stupid A+ is like ...
Hmm. What's a good example...

Squidward trying to play the clarinet and just NEVER being good at it. Ever.
That's a brilliant example.
Except- Squiddy thinks he's brilliant at music and art. 
I acknowledge the fact that I generally am talentless all around.
With that in mind- I don't do anything about it.
I'm a lazy, bubble-gum chewing, pyjama- wearing 18 year old that still babies up to her brother for free car rides into town.
I am a disgrace to this generation.

I've finished the pack of bubble gum.
My jaw is really sore.
But after a huge pot of green tea, I lit my bubble-gum scented candle, and allowed it to relax me as I watched the latest episode of the Mentalist.
Ahhhh.. Patrick Jane, Marry Me. Please. 

I have to get up at 6AM tomorrow.
To cut up the brownies I made for my friend's birthday.
Also. To take a shower, do something with the hair on my head, and get ready for class at 9AM.
I can't complain. People have class at 8AM. How do they do it? I struggle with 9AM, and I used to get up at 5 every morning in Japan and sleep at 12.
Maybe that's why I was sick all the time.
And very acne-y.

I'm looking forward to my trip at the end of this year.
I can't wait to go to England! Especially since I'm going on my own too.
This time- not for educational purposes whatsoever.
Just going because I have always wanted to ride a red double decker bus.
Plus, it is my lifelong dream to make a phone call back home via red telephone booth. ^_^
I dream big.

I think I can also stalk Prince William and Kate! =] It will be AH-mazing. 
My mom is really obsessed with the royal couple at the moment. She's stalking them via E! and CNN. 

I mentioned my mom twice in this blog entry.
Oh god. 

I really am a fail 18-year old. 

All my love always,

1 comment:

  1. haha i love your blog April. You're not a fail 18 year old trust me, everyone still secretly likes hubba bubba and talks about their mum all the time even when they are old as!
