Monday, April 4, 2011

all hail the mighty pie chart

I think the graph above speaks volumes on the length of my attention span.

Today I did however manage to be somewhat productive,
and finished my paraphrase on the Levy book about Female Chauvinist Pigs.
It's an enlightening read.

I am not sure if this is a more effective way to blog. 
Short and sweet, because if I ramble on for any longer,
I run into risks such as getting over-emotional and attached to pie charts.

I wish the resolution in my pictures taken from my camera 
could somehow translate just as beautifully into this blog entry.

Not only that, I also wish that this blog website would somehow change their interface a bit more.

Perhaps it's time for a change?

Before I go on to ponder the design layout of my insignificant blog,
I shall contemplate upon rugby politics and fishes in the sea.

If I do not blog for a week or so following my law test tomorrow, 
you can all safely assume that I am indeed dead.

Causes of death are  most likely:
A: Struck down by Parliament and all their Sovereign power
                                                  B: Losing cool in the exam hall.

All my love always,

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