Monday, May 16, 2011


To give you an idea of what constitutes as noise, listen to this.

surrounded by 'noise bubbles' in our everyday world.

Noise is not restricted to the audio aspects of our lives, but also the social and visual.
I remember when my dad would read the morning paper over breakfast, and I'd glance at the headlines sprawled over the page.
I remember seeing a million references to countries I couldn't even locate on the map.
I remember the exposure I had to politics, culture, and art.
The things I didn't understand was then regarded as 'noise', because I simply could not appreciate or comprehend it.

an online world where I can pick and choose the news I want to read- and don't want to read.

I don't recall a time my local Facebook news feed (in which I've synced with various internet news sites) has given me this same colorful array of varying news topics.
The websites I visit are completely noise-free, and relevant to what I know of the world today.

the elimination of all the noise outside of my interests.

The companies behind these websites have created a filtering process in which we can eliminate the noise surrounding us.
Before the internet, newspapers and magazines led the forefront in media coverage, and we were exposed to a smorgasbord of both relevant and irrelevant news topics.
Our current age today has found a way to make it focused on

We can now exist in a silent world; devoid of noise and full of relevance. 
The Japan Earthquake, the Royal Wedding, President Obama's birth certificate.
I am now shielded away from what the internet thinks is noise to me.
Local politics, what's happened there?

the reality of our world without any noise.

A world in which noise is no longer a hassle sounds ideal.
It sounds perfect.

But it's lonely.

The internet was founded initially on the morale of widespread of all knowledge for the world.
Not the widespread of knowledge to which are 'relevant' to me.

Algorithms have replaced journalists to dictate what needs to be silenced out of our noisy lives.
Perhaps this is an effective way to personalize our world- but it would suck to think that one day I am unaware of the end of the world just because I didn't previously click on one little link.

all pictures and information gathered from here

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD WRITTER! I feel like an ass that I dont think ive ever come to read your blog! well it was my loss love!
    -Livvy <3
