Sunday, May 22, 2011

just a thought

I know science says that we are an accident.
We came onto this planet through the Big Bang and all, and we evolved.
It's rational, ideal, and it best fits all the knowledge we know of the world today.

But when I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but wonder.
Can the laughter I share, the tears I cry, the ups and downs of life just be purely biological?
There is a beauty to science, of course, but there's gotta be something more than that.

The feeling you get when you realize the difference between happiness and joy.
How happiness is a solid, and joy is liquid.
You can't live without it.
Better yet, when you find that joy in that one person, 
and just the presence of them builds a warm sensation within you.

You're not what sure it is,
and all you want to say,
all you feel you can say is I. Love. You.
That's not just an accident. That magic, that rare moment, do you know how wonderful that is?
It can't just be as simple as dopamine neurons and brain energy. It's more than that.

Someone once told me that magic is just a science we don't understand yet.
This world is full of miracles, wonder, and I guess it takes a day like this to realize.

I think when you spill all this love for that one person,
the greatest feeling in the world must be when they do the same thing back.
What greater gift can there be but to experience and share all that joy with them? just can't all be an accident.

All my love always,



  1. i love you too!
    <3 livyy :)

  2. だいすき、だいすき、オリビアとたいやきだいすき!:D

  3. Heehee, I will bring this up next time there is a debate with an evolutionist. "How can there possibly be no God if there are such things as love and taiyaki?!"
