Friday, April 8, 2011

eggs and bunnies

To all the founders of tertiary education:
Stop using the word, "break", or "holiday".
Really. It's misleading, and you're not entitled to use a word so liberally.
I have three assignments due the first week back after the holidays, 
and several tests awaiting me second week back.
In what way, and on what universe, would reading primary sources regarding the French Revolution be a vacation, you tell me.

Today marks the start of the Easter holidays! "Mid-term semester break"
I love it how they mixed both the English and American version of that word.
Term? Semester? Bleurgh.
Either way; still terrible.

looking at this alone gave me diabetes. All my love to a certain gentleman from up north :]
This Easter, I will be eating my chocolate and studying like crazy.
There is nothing relaxing about that, because even eating chocolate will turn into an attempt for me to stress release.
No longer is chocolate a sinful yet delightful treat in which I can know what a marriage of nothing other than pure agape love tastes like in food form.
No longer is it something I eat when I just 'feel like it'
It's now just my alternative to binge-drinking and crying.
A healthier option, I would think.
My waistline begs to differ.

The first half of Semester One has been a ton of fun.
From inappropriate photos, doodling, and the occasional (if not ever increasing) skipping of lectures, I am finding uni life rather enjoyable.

Although the work does pile on, and after having a meltdown in the library basement toilets about Philosophy exams, in which questions such as "Mutley has four legs. All dogs have four legs. Therefore, Alex is a dog" are the basis of the test...
I think I can confidently say that freaking out was the very appropriate thing to do. 

I went to go see a Ghibli film to raise money for the disaster in Japan.
Princess Mononoke. 
Watching it for the billionth time still had the same effect if not stronger when I first watched it back in 2007.
An amazing film addressing the conflicting relationships between nature and humans; this movie was made to reprimand all of us for being so careless with our environment.
The plot of the movie is truly a devastatingly beautiful metaphor about our society's selfishness in regards to our planet and I cannot help but be ashamed of the way I am so tactless at times with my actions.
Being an environmental lawyer will never be as urgent until you've seen this film. Trust me.
That, or a Greenpeace advocate. Either or, just reduce your stupid carbon footprint. 

chortle. I'd totally name my kid Skype.
I miss Japan more than ever, and Skype-ING with the most adorable Canadian to ever grace this planet in the early hours of morning today, certainly did nothing other than confirm my affection for that country and all the people I've met in it.

I don't think I'll ever make such long-lasting friendships like the ones I've developed in Japan.
Although we do not talk everyday, and we are separated by this thing called time zones, it's so refreshing and comforting to know that the word "awkward" never comes to mind when re-connecting with a long-lost friend over Skype.

Ugh, I love Skype so much.

found this picture on the internet. Bitch better be kidding if she/he regards that to be long distance. I don't seen a freaking ocean wedged in your way; so stop whining!
 Makes me wonder about how long-distance relationships existed back then.
Take my parents for example.
They didn't even have laptops, nor cellphones.
Still, they managed to keep it going strong for three years before meeting each other again.
That, may be the definition of true love that I once knew but lost along the way.
I don't know. It sounds about right, doesn't it?
Too bad there wasn't any background atmospheric music to support this time period of separation.
Otherwise; I can obviously write to the editors of Oxford Dictionary and tell them that the definition to love is not,
"An intense feeling of deep affection"
But is actually this:
"Refer to April Wong's parents"

Oh. Before I forget.
Look at this white chocolate truffle.
Seriously. Life isn't fair. I want to breathe these babies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I nomnomnom'ed them down the second I tasted how good it was.
Must. Go. To. England. To. Buy. Truffles! :]]]

All my love always,


1 comment:

  1. フィンランドのお土産好きじゃない?:P
