Sunday, April 3, 2011


I had this dream last night that my hands fell off.
What a way to start the week.
But April, you say, dreams aren't real.

No disagreement with you there.
However I must point out that the only reason why I would dream that my hands did in fact, fall off, is because my poor subconscious brain is too aware of the fact that I will be over-using my hands this week.

In fact, my carpal-tunnel syndrome hands are now officially in so much pain,
that I cannot possibly begin to fathom carrying a laptop and all my junk up Albert Park this morning
Carry a backpack?
No. I refuse to. 

Aside from nonsensical ramblings about dreams and the like,
I will show you all I've accomplished for the day.
I am tempted to skip my lectures this morning because to be honest, I just can't. Be. Fucked. Anymore.

Instead, join forces with me and let's ponder on the meaning of life.
Arm yourselves with sharpie pens and paper.

" Wear your heart on your sleeve"

A very dangerous thought, this one.
Unfortunately I do too much of heart wearing on not only my sleeves, 
but I will somehow manage to hold my heart out on a yard stick and thrust it in your face upon first meet.
I will correct this soon.

Love Links Us Together
Just had this random thought in my head wondering how I could convey the words link and love together.
Obviously by translating the image of "link" (to then I think of chains, ropes, string...)
with the text "love" could I create an "megadoodle". 
The "megadoodle" is exclusive to only the fine stylings of malaysian/chinese girls
whom are procrastinating to go eat a large bowl of SpecialK.

It's really nothing Special to begin with anyway.

My mom just walked in and sighed at me.

Oh I'm selling fruit aren't I.

All my love always,

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