Sunday, January 23, 2011

saying my goodbyes

byeeee everyone!!! I'll miss you guys dearly <3
The last two days have been blurred into one huge emotional, bittersweet memory.
It feels like such a long time ago, and it was only yesterday that I said goodbye to all my classmates and teachers.

Yesterday was my last day of school in Japan.
No more screaming girls, no more sleeping on desks, and no more crazy strict teachers.
I’m actually going to miss it. =]

momoko, me, haruka, eri =] おろちゃんポーズ!
On Friday I only went to school for lunch, and the minute I walked into my classroom, I realized that it was a party for me.
The classroom was decorated so that everyone could actually sit around and eat together, and my name was scribbled on the board in pretty various chalk colors.

It’s actually my first ever surprise party.
And verdict? I love surprise parties. XD
It was so flattering that they would go to all the trouble of doing this for me, and the girls even resorted to buying crackers and pulling them all over me as they shout “WE LOVE YOU APRIL!!! DON’T LEAVE FOR NEW ZEALAND!” (in Japanese.)

Initially I found it a bit challenging to make friends with the girls but as time passed by I got along with each and every one of them, and I never found a single lunchtime in which I would sit alone and eat.
I have about six or seven really great friends in my class alone, and many more in the other classes that also contributed to my two-day farewell party.

the scrapbook <3

that's kinda amazing; admit it.
The girls made me a scrapbook of all the memories we have created together, and they even went out onto the field to do a huge human pose of the words “THANK U”. 

They chipped in to also buy a big book board thing, and they all wrote their little messages to me within it.
It was so sweet, and I felt terrible for only writing them each individual letters because clearly theirs took much more effort in general.

When I first came to Japan, Haru, Eri, and Erisa took me out to do my first purikura.
After my farewell party on Friday, we did the exact same thing; except that it was my last purikura with the girls from my school.
It was so natsukashii (familiar?...melancholy?) and we all cried after the purikura session was done.
These three girls have made my exchange so much fun, and I wish I can spend more time with them but New Zealand is stealing me away in exactly two more days.

The girls from outside my class, I usually hang out with during lunchtimes.
Miho baked me a cake! An entire cake, with my name on it too.
I’m going to miss her so much- she’s one of my best friends here in Japan.

Maki and her friends were going to throw me a sayonara/bye bye party on Friday but my class had a surprise party for me instead.
So we ended up doing it yesterday, combined with a second party that my class threw for me as well.
Maki and her friends also bought presents for me, letters, and they each wrote a little note on a huge heart-shaped card for me to bring back to New Zealand.

I wrote my teachers letters too, and before I left for a karaoke session with all the exchange kids after school yesterday, the principal came into my class to hand me my transcript and gave a little speech about how I wasn’t really an exchange student anymore, but a Japanese high school student.
I wonder if it’s because I’m asian, or because my Japanese has improved to that of a native.
Let’s hope it’s the latter yeah? 

caroline and viola =]
 When Lisa and Asya left for home last year in June, we all went to karaoke.
It started a tradition amongst the Shinagawa Girls High School’s exchange students.
Whenever someone leaves for home, we all go karaoke.
Never did I realize that we would be going karaoke for my departure.
Olivia and I are leaving really soon, and I’m hopefully going to say goodbye to Olivia at the airport tomorrow.
I’m going to leave on Wednesday morning, and I’m not packed, and not ready to go.

Am I horrible person?
I think Japan has made me a cold person.
I didn’t cry during my farewell parties at all, and although the girls were bawling their eyes out, all I did was hug them and tell them I’d miss them.
But I didn’t cry.
Not until the purikura, and before I went to sleep.
The girls messaged me asking if the party was okay; because I didn’t seem 感動 (touched) by their efforts.
I felt even shittier, and proceeded to explain that I loved their gifts, and am very touched, even if it doesn’t show on my face.
I think the shock of my leaving Japan forever is starting to kick in.
It’s causing me to delay packing, and listening to “leaving on a jet plane” over and over again.

Yesterday was one of the best, and most fun days of my exchange.
The exchange girls and I had so much fun being stupid in karaoke, in the arcade, and then in the busy streets of Shibuya.
Shibuya must really hate my guts for being an obnoxious foreign exchange student that somehow looks Japanese, but I can only be an obnoxious foreigner for two more days.
I’m going to take every opportunity I can get to be loud and stupid. :P
You know what I’m going to miss?
Using the gaijin card.
The beautiful excuse in which you say “what, huh? No, sorry I don’t understand” when someone is trying to get you to do something you can’t be arsed to do.
If you do not agree with something a Japanese person says; all you really have to do is say you don’t understand.
I can’t do this back in New Zealand because there is no language barrier.
In Japan, there is no longer a language barrier but I definitely feel that it’s totally fine to pretend like there is to get your way n this country. ;p

the night view <3
 After karaoke, my host family takes me to Ginza/Shiodome to celebrate my leaving Japan.
They brought me up a huge tower that overlooked all of Tokyo, and we had dinner atop this wonderful building, surrounded by the skyline that I’m going to dearly miss.
Tokyo Tower was to my right, and the Mori Tower was to my left.
The Rainbow Bridge could be seen as well, and Tokyo seemed calm despite all the chaos you know is happening down below.
It’s all the lasts’ that are happening to me this week.
Last Sunday in Japan, last day of school, last day of being in X place ever…
I just can’t believe it’s going by so fast.
Two more days till I’m on a plane?
Since when?
It was totally the end of summer vacation a week ago. =/

One thing I won’t miss about Tokyo is how time seems to be stolen away from you.
Time just goes by so fast in Tokyo.
It goes away in all the traveling you have to do, and by the time you come home you realize it’s nearly time for bed.

Speaking about bedtime.
The first thing I’m going to do when I step foot on kiwi ground??
Just sleep for the whole day, and then unpack in the middle of the night.
I miss my sleep, my bed, and the ability not to feel tired after climbing a flight of stairs.

All my love always,


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