Friday, April 2, 2010

lets re-write the Sound Of Music.

I was 16, 
Now I'm 17,
I'm not that naiive,
Fellows I meet 
May tell me I'm sweet,
and willingly I will leave.

I was 16,
Now I'm 17, 
Not as innocent as I want to be.
Bachelor dandies,
drinkers of brandies,
I know too much of these.

Totally well prepared am I,
to face a world of douchebags,
(that didn't rhyme but oh well...)
Timid, shy, and scared am I,
to go to a country on my own...
I want someone,
Older and wiser,
Being a good friend to me,
If you are 17, going on 18,
I'll depend on you...

That was a rather terrible attempt, wasn't it?
Hey, its the effort that counts.
Putting that aside,
I think this is one of the most emotional birthdays I've ever experienced.
Lots of tears were shed, that's for sure..

My friends are just simply so amazing though.
The lifegroup girlies threw me an AH-MAZE-ING party, and
I am going to miss Albany City Church so much,
it scares me.

My friends at school got me the most amazing presents!
I didn't expect them to actually get me anything,
so this was one of the most thoughtful presents I've ever received.
Thank you, so much.
A signed teddy bear and a scrapbook of memories?
Who needs flowers and chocolates. =p

It has just sunk in.
I'm really going.
For a whole year!
Can I just please be excited?
Why am I not excited?!
This is not normal.
I am just as bad as those Japanese people that get married to pillows.
I am by far, the most ungrateful being that has ever existed.

This blog is going to be considerably shorter than my previous blogs.
Not because I have nothing to say,
but because I don't know how to say what it's my heart right now.
It is the most mixed up emotion I've felt since
I found out that mascara and eyeliner are tested on baby rabbits.

I am so unwilling to leave my friends and family behind..
Most of all, I just hate saying goodbye.
In another 365 days, I'm going to have to say goodbye to Japan as well.
That should be fun.

Hopefully the next time I'll blog,
I'll be sitting in my own room, in my homestay's house.
I'll have two sausage doggies at my feet,
and an adorable two year old Japanese girl to sing the doraemon theme song for me to hear :)

All my love always,

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