Sunday, March 28, 2010

tick. tock.

I love clocks.

If you've ever been into my room,
you would know that I love clocks.

You would also find it difficult to relax because of the "annoying" ticking noises.

I have three clocks in my room,
and unfortunately, they don't tick at the same time.

If you listen closely enough,
it kinda mimics the rhythm of Sugar We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy.
...kinda. :)

The first clock is a clock I bought from Ikea.
It looks like a hanger, but its just more awesome.
This is the clock I wanted the most out of the three I have because it looked like a hanger.
A pink, fat hanger.
What's not to like? :)

The second clock is a little alarm clock.
I bought it at a Japanese store in Malaysia.
It is tiny and it can fit in my palm.
It is also pink, but one may call it "light baby pink"
It looks like a bell. It has cute font, and I am fond of it. :)

The third clock is a present from my mom.
I think it is also from Asia.
There's nothing cool to say about it really.
It usually breaks down, and it can't seem to do anything but take up space.
It doesnt even deserve a photo.

I totally understand if you're bored already.
Clocks are not that fascinating. I know.
It just has a heck of a lot to do with the reality I am faced with thanks to these clocks.
I have exactly 4320 minutes till my birthday, and 21600 minutes until my bum is on a tiny airplane seat for 1000 minutes.
I am so grateful for the person that invented hours and days.
It would be so tiring to calculate time in just minutes. Man.
What I am trying to say is in normal human speak,
is that is is...
3 Days till my birthday, 5 Days till I'm on a plane and approximately 15 Hours in a plane. =]

I really wish that you could take the batteries out of life so that time will just freeze.
I want my life right now to be like the useless third clock that is taking up space in my room.
Forever being frozen at 11:12.
That kinda sucks a little because it means that none of the wishes I'd make would come true,
but hey, at least it stops before the morning comes.

I've been having so much fun in New Zealand, that I can't possibly having more fun anywhere else
I've just realized how much I'm going to miss all my friends.
I'm not even excited about turning 17!
The flipping Sound of Music has a song dedicated to this specific event in a girl's life when she goes from 16 to 17, and I'm not even buzzing at the idea.
Am I growing up?
Noo! I liked being excited about birthdays and cake and presents.
Where is Neverland when you need it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ungrateful for this opportunity.
I just never thought that as the date came closer to my departure,
I would end up dreading to go as opposed to being excited to go.
I cringe as I wake up in the morning, knowing that I still have a ton of things to pack.
I cringe as I am packing as I realize how many things I am or will be forgetting to bring along with me.

Heck, I just cringe whenever I think about Japan!
Getting out of my comfort zone for a year.
Studying again after a hugeeee 6 month break.
Wearing a uniform?
Doing PE?
Can someone please come with me?
I'm sure someone weighs less than 20 kg.
If not, stop eating. :)

Hopefully this feeling is totally normal,
and when I'm settled in my home in Tokyo,
I'll actually look back and laugh at myself for writing this blog,
and having the nerve to actually put it on the world wide web for all to mock.

Hopefully the next time I blog,
I'll have somewhat improved in my Japanese.

Hopefully the next time I blog,
I'd have made a ton of friends that remind me of the old Disney movies.

Hopefully I'd still remember how to speak English,
and not be caught in between two languages and not be good at either of them.

Hopefully I will find batteries for that clock,
and won't feel too upset when I know that life just goes on,
and no one can stop time and make it freeze in its place.

All my love always,


  1. YAY Clocks =D
    I love the hanger style one, its something I haven't seen before. God Bless Ikea.

    I'm so happy I clicked the link, now my life is less fail xD

    Oh, and P.S you'll be on your bum for 643 minutes :P

  2. Hi just passing by. Im jealous I want to go to Japan and just escape life for a year =] Soon Im guna be too old and tied down by work T__T so enjoy it while you can!

  3. hi cooliemen? :)

    you wanna take my place?
    hope you get ur chance soon..
    who says that you're too old to travel! what nonsense. :P

    just tell urself you're young, listen to lots of jazz, and you'll be sweet! :D
