Friday, July 1, 2011

oooo weeeee ooooo....

Doctor Who Companions
thanks for the spoilers, internet.
I think I have learned a valuable lesson about curiosity.
After watching one of the coolest episodes in the Dr Who Series to date (I think it's called Silent Library or something, not too sure, but I loved it), all the hype about the character River Song really had me guessing.
Never did I think for a second that she was Amy and Rory's kid! WHY.
Oh Internet I hate you.
Although it really is my fault for clicking on a link that says: "THE DOCTOR'S COMPANIONS"

Actually found this via BuzzFeed- but it seems to come from an online dating site...
The original source may suggest that my attempts at having a proper relationship have led me to try out online dating, but no.
I wouldn't even date the Doctor. I'd cry buckets if he regenerates.
Not to mention I'm too chicken shit to face any kind of alien in the face.

I can't believe I haven't updated this blog in a whole month.
It's shocking really, I should be slapped in the face with a squid or something.

I guess my excuses for not updating this blog have some form of validity though.
Lack of internet access in Malaysia, and exams are definitely quite genuine reasons not to self indulge in partaking first world activities such as this.
Obviously the former excuse reason is more legitimate considering the amount of time wasted online during "exam study break time".

Apart from being ridiculed because of my increasing weight gain, my inability to speak Behasa Melayu (Malay), and my "black" skin (I'm serious, no exaggeration here. I'm apparently so tan to the extent that I've burnt to a shade that doesn't reflect any light), I am enjoying my trip back.
The weather is a nice change from the cold winds of Auckland, and I've been spending time with my cousins and aunties and uncles.
Yay for a huge Asian family. ^_^

I'll upload photos onto the blog soon- haven't been taking a crazy amount of photos because it seems odd to do so in your own home country.
In comparison to my Japan trip, coming back home has become a norm, and taking photos of food will get me weird looks from my aunties and uncles followed with a remark about how food is meant to be eaten, not looked at.
I beg to differ. Looking at food is like foreplay.

All my love always,



  1. you shouldve guessed mate, the whole 'river' 'pond' thing was abit of a give away mate :P

    マレー語頑張らなくちゃ~ ::P


  2. maybe you should put a spoiler warning on this post?
