Sunday, May 29, 2011

monday mornings

Don't  you love Monday mornings?
I realize that all the negativity I have on this blog can be a bit tiring at times.

I was just reading a few posts from Japan last year, and remembering how much I talked about me 'changing'.

To be honest- i'm still a whiny brat, who has even crappier time management.
But good thing I learned a whole new language.
Ha. Ha.

But in the spirit of change, and making sure that I remain positive for the rest of 2011...

this cartoon is a huge lie. A Dalek can fly... We are doomed.

I like it how I woke up this morning and squinted at the flood of sunlight in my room.
I thought there was a Dalek in my room and freaked out.
I like Dr. Who- but I have no balls whatsoever, so I can't watch it alone. And I make sure that my brother/mother/father are within earshot.
After finishing another episode, I am now really liking the fact that I'm home alone, and probably will get exterminated very soon.
Into oblivion.
It's going to be so great.

I like it how I decided to skip all four lectures today- right before my exams too!
Reasons for doing so include:
A: It's too cold to step outside
B: The clouds are too grey and I hate it when it's cloudy.
C: The Dalek will eat me.
D: Not to mention the zombies.

I also like it how my mom walked in the room, and nagged about something like consequences and actions and being mature.
Bleh. I'm older- not wiser.

I especially like it that when I decide to go healthy, I reached for a chocolate bar instead.

I can't express my dying love for the Industrial Revolution and spinning machines called "jenny" and "mule".

I love, LOVE that insert key.
After writing a long and boring essay for around an hour, I realized that almost half of what I had typed out was mysteriously not appearing on the page.
Turns out that 700 words into this essay, my obnoxiously large baby hands decided it'd be funny to accidentally hit that inappropriate "insert" key on the keyboard.
And it ate all the other words I had typed up. For a good hour.

...Fat bastard.

I also cannot wait for exams! Oh man, what will we do without college.
The adrenalin rush you get when you're stuck in room full of people more capable than you are, furiously writing away while you stare at the clock and wonder why God hates you.

I love Monday mornings.

Here's to a brilliant start to a brilliant week.




  1. the daleks were never able to fly until dr who restarted

  2. omg you like dr who! i've seen part of latest series so cool, wanna see the old ones :) x Fabienne
