Thursday, May 19, 2011


oh pooh bear.

I've just received an assignment.
It's my last English assignment for the semester.
I dislike it.

I simply never thought it possible.
The day where your lecturer goes to you and say, "write about something you would problematize, find a solution. 1000 word limit, give or take 10%."
I am completely stuck.
"Remember you cannot write about issues that have already been debated. You need to find your own problem with an issue that currently does not exist a problem"
Um. Sorry. What?

Oh English.
I am never getting anywhere, am I?

Following my silly grade of B+ in which I discussed about rockism and hip hop vs. rap music, I am not feeling all too hot about this assignment.
Exams in less than three weeks, and I'm no where near starting my revision learning process.

If my mind was an oyster..
To be honest I never understood that analogy.
What are the similarities?
My brain matter does not resemble an oyster.
Nor does it work like an oyster.
I would also strongly object to anyone prying my skull open and eating it.
Yeah, future zombies. I'm talking to you.

On a more serious note though, I really, really hate oysters.
Raw, cooked, beer-battered, grilled-with-a-ton-of-cheese-with-a-fancy-leaf-on-top-as-garnish-I-do-not-know-the-name-of...
Whatever. Oysters are really gross.
Or was the analogy something about oysters and pearls?...
I don't know. Correct me if I'm wrong.

But to draw a better analogy perhaps, I could say..
My mind is so void of ideas it would look like an empty honey pot.
Who am I kidding, that was also a terrible analogy. I suck at constructing analogies.
Funny thing because in the next critical thinking test I have which constitutes 35% of my grade, I have to construct analogies to make bad arguments seem persuasive.
Oh the irony.

Wordle. <3

I cannot think of anything, and now I am blogging.
Because I do not know what to write this piece about.
I was thinking maybe I could discuss the manner in which second languages are taught in classrooms today, and how flawed the entire system is.
I would then problematize this into arguing how learning a second language definitely would broaden your perspective, etc..
My solution would be to incorporate more immersion and inspiration into the classroom environment.
If I find myself stuck within this 1000 word essay, I'd just talk about Hitler. know an argument is bad when you start referring to Hitler.

Other topics include content filters on the internet, the national service requirement of all males in Singapore, how shitty life is getting, how lazy I am on a day-to-day basis, and how exams are a terrible way of assessing one's academic capability.


I have been quite busy in general.
Feeling sorry for myself is a high priority of mine nowadays.
After I have dinner, I allocate time to sit in a corner and conjure up really horrible scenarios involving selling fruit on the streets of Malaysia.

But aside from that, I was blackmailed, no sorry, brainwashed, took part in the Model UN for Auckland University this weekend. 


Model UN was fun. 
The people I met there were insanely, disgustingly smart.
Funny thing was they thought I was too.
Ha. Ha. Ha.

All in all, two really important things we should all remember. 

1) Water is important

2) Water is not as important as condoms.

I'm going to go watch some Dr.Who.
(in a little screen next to Facebook because it gets scary in some parts)

PS: the blog post titled 'noise', which was my first entry for the month of May 2011, was actually a piece I had to do for uni. 
Let's see if it gets an A+. 

All my love always,


UPDATE: Received my results today!
A+ ^_^ hehe.
oh Blogspot. What would I do without you

1 comment:

  1. Oysters, gross? Clearly you have not tried them with a tonne of vermicelli and garlic on top because THEY ARE FUCKING DELICIOUS.
