Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the one place that sucks in Tokyo.

When you think of Japan, admit it.
You think sushi.
You think sumos, anime, and manga.

To some extent, that is true. But it's definitely not all of the things there are in Japan.
There are a ton of things to do here, and going out with friends can be a pain at times because there are too many things you can choose from.

Karaoke, all night drinking, dancing, taking photos, eating, eating even more, renting a dog, going to a cat cafe, going to a maid bar, love hotels..
The list is endless really.
However- not too sure about the love hotel part.

And the great thing about Japan is that you can have access to these activities at any time of the day.
You can definitely access a love hotel at any time of the night.
Not that I would know.
...seriously, I don't. =p

Tokyo is indeed prettiest at night.
For example; compare these two photos:
The size of Tokyo Tower is clearly different in the two photos, so it may be hard to compare but in my opinion; the night view is somehow more romantic, and ethereal.
The day is still gorgeous, don't get me wrong.
Just takes the magic away a little.

tokyo tower during the day
tokyo tower in the evening
There are so many things to do here in Japan and one of them is definitely, to take purikura.
These photo machines are absolutely everywhere in Japan,
and to experience the high school life of a typical Japanese teenager,
all you need to do is get yourself down to an arcade, and take photos in a photo booth.
That, and karaoke sessions with a free drink bar so that you can sing without going hoarse.

japanese girls going into a photo booth
the endless types of photo booths available in Japan
Upon my arrival to Japan; my company took us on orientation.
We took purikura (sticker photos)
On my first day of school, the girls took me out for a day of fun.
"So that you can experience the Japanese culture!" one of them even said to me.
We went to go take purikura.
Moving into my first host family, the first place that my host mom and sister decided to take me?
The Japanese people, -of any age and gender really- generally like taking photos.
Especially in these machines for a total of 400yen per photoshoot.

decorating purikura on a touch screen. 
I've spent so much money on going to these photo booths to capture ridiculous moments.
Lately, we go take purikura if something funny happens in the day.

exhibit A :)
However, if you are ever to come to Tokyo.

This is the most evil, and horrible place in Tokyo you could possibly go to.
A love hotel, or a maid bar would actually be more satisfactory than this 'amusement park'.

Two years ago I also was a victim to this little park in Ikebukuro's Sunshine City,
and being forced to go along today was yet another cringe-worthy moment.
To highlight how utterly frustrating this place is, here is a picture of how much 'fun' we had in the rides at Namjabloodytown.

note the anger in my face, and the suicidal look in Olivia's. :P
This ride is voted the best in all of Namjatown, and it literally just takes you around for 5 minutes, asking you to shoot mosquitos.
With a gun that barely works.
But it truly is the best part about Namjatown.

You pay a ton of money for the ticket, because every foreigner is fooled by its exterior.
It looks polished, themed, and just full of surprises.
It also promises references to popular anime series like Bleach, for example.

However, walking into this place, you would only be exposed to things such as GyozaCity, and IceCreamCountry, and the most ridiculous ghost house in which you are required to pay for a cat statue that's supposedly meant to be a 'god that blocks away death'.

In a way, Namjatown is amusing because in every country, there is going to be that exceptional place that ruins absolutely everything.
Tokyo is modern, it's busy, and one of the most convenient places in the world.
Namjatown is old, it's less busier than Abiko (an extremely rural place in Chiba, one of the prefectures near Tokyo), and is so terribly laid out that you'd think a 6 year old was given responsibility for the design of the place.
In fact- the 6 year old would probably do a better job.

So to sum things up; there are lots of cool places to go to in Tokyo, and I'm glad to say that throughout my exchange, I've had the opportunity to do most of these things.
It's just rather disappointing that I was forced to go to Namjatown.
Seeing as it didnt make an impression on me two years ago, the only impression it made on me this year is a bad and awful one.

My parents are coming to Tokyo in a few days, and the one place I would not take them to is Namjatown.
It's a good place to bring people you don't like, I guess.

"HEY, you wanna see Japan? I know this AWESOME place in Ikebukuro called Namjatown..."
:) Waste of money, waste of time.

Junten High School was the school I did a three-week exchange to back in 2008, and when I found out we were going to a themepark for the 'Tokyo-Orientation Day', I can still remember the excitement I felt.
Being taken around by Japanese High School kids? I figured I would have a blast.
But no, I was mistaken.
The same thing happened again this year with the school I'm exchanging with now, Shinagawa Girls High School.

The ironic thing is?
The Japanese people generally have a similar opinion to mine about the 'amusement park'
So explain to me...WHY?
Why, if they feel this way about Namjatown,
would they even consider bringing foreigners to this place?

I just felt my brain explode.

So. I've warned you.
Do not go to Namjatown.

All my love always,



  1. でもさ、この写真に餃子あるじゃない?


  2. 餃子好きのはもちろん、餃子町って最高と思うんですが、NAMJATOWNの餃子もあまり美味しくないよ!


  3. わたくしは ぎょうざ は だいすきですねよ


  4. Wait, you were on exchange at Junten??

    I totally don't remember that...

    Anyway, next time you are here you have to do a tour and review of all the really crappy 'theme parks' and just themed things in Japan. The base of Tokyo Tower used to be awful, I have some photos of me and some friends doing some of the corny stuff there.

    Ocean Dome in Miyazaki comes to mind... Expoland, Dreamland, all the horrible aquariums, etc.

    And you are wrong about one thing - the one time of day you can't get into a love hotel is night - especially on a weekend as they tend to be full :/ Considering that a 'nice' one will get you a big room, king-sized bed, TV and game console, sometimes nice extras like full sized jucuzzis, all for about 15,000yen its a better deal than most 'normal' hotels if you just want to relax. Hell, Hotel London in Ouji has massage chairs, a private onsen and a sauna.

    What you really should look at is 'themed' love hotels - all the outright kinky stuff is there, but a place with a small pool beats the hell out of the normal all-in-one-bathroom/toilet ;)

  5. Hotel London in Oji has an ONSEN!?

    My god, that I did not know.

    Yeah I did a short exchange to Junten two years ago- There are embarrassing photos on my facebook actually.
    Terrible haircut. :P

  6. なんで知ってるかな熊さん?:P

