Saturday, December 25, 2010

christmas lights keep shining on

Christmas Night in Minato Mirai
Today was Christmas Day.
Felt more like Boxing Day because of the crazy shopping going around everywhere.
It's crowded even in the countryside of Japan, and although Christmas is meant to be a relaxing day; today was fun but tiring.
I am exhausted, and very full.

It's 11:11PM as I write this blog, and I bet no matter how hard I wish,
even though its both Christmas, and supposedly the magical time in which everything you wish for would come wont. :)

I've been wanting this Snoopy since the start of my exchange! I don't care if I don't have any use for it! :P
Then again, when does anyone get what they want for Christmas? =p
if you've ever had the luxury of doing so, then take note that I probably would light you on fire the next time I see you.
Just putting it out there. :)

On a lighter, and much kinder note (getting into the holiday spirit and all..)
Christmas Day was quite a bit of fun!

I took my family to Asakusa and Shinjuku during the day, and Yokohama during the night to see all the gorgeous Christmas lights that will officially be taken down come midnight tonight.
Tokyo is, and always will be much easier on the eyes during the night.
During the day it resembles a concrete jungle but come nightfall, the lights somehow soften the atmosphere.
The buildings even exude warmth almost.

Asakusa =]

The shops generally open at 11 in Japan, so we all decided to go to Asakusa and walk around snacking and buying unnecessary souvenirs for people back home.

just under a gazillion keychains here in the basket =p

I've been to Asakusa countless times by now, and to be honest, I was getting a bit tired of it.
However, visiting again for the gazillionth time with my family was refreshing because they noticed new things that I didn't bother observing prior my visit today.

I got to try many different snacks that I would avoid normally because I'd think it was a waste of money.
That's one thing good about traveling with your parents by the way; you don't use your own money so you end up doing things you wouldn't be able to afford to do on your own.
However, I'm not too sure if I'm willing to trade my independence and freedom just to try some random local snacks for free.

I never thought I'd like this but my mom bought a piece today and it was really yum! =]
sweet potato and redbean tempura thing
I also didn't notice that there were many goods in reference to the Chinese Zodiac until today, for example..

all twelve zodiac animals! I know people born in the year of all of them apart from the Tiger actually :O

born in the year of the rooster anyone? =]
I also convinced my uncooperative brother to make a fool out of himself with me.
Yesterday I managed to make him take purikura with me, and today; this! 
Enjoy the video by the way- I had to bring my dad into the equation to persuade my brother in the end.
My whiny-ness wasn't enough. =p
(god, you'd think I'm still 12.)

Needless to say; I have missed being an embarrassment. 
(Not that I'm not usually..)

Asakusa was really fun and less stressful than normal.
Thanks mom, thanks dad, and thanks koko for being such a good sport the whole day :P

After lunch, it was already quite late, so we decided to visit Kinokuniya (huge bookstore), and walk around Shinjuku before I took my family to see the lights in Minato Mirai/Chinatown in Yokohama.

waiting for the subway in Yokohama Station
 Despite all the festive decorations, and all the christmas lights- it didn't feel like Christmas at all.
I don't know why it didn't- my family was with me, 
and I was surrounded by what I knew since I was young.
It just didn't feel like Christmas. =/ 

Outside Queens Square in Yokohama
I had to. Just had to. =]
It was freezing cold, and rather difficult to take photos because of the countless couples flooding into Minato Mirai to enjoy the romantic atmosphere.
I seriously just want to light them ALL on fire. :D Who's with me? ;p
To be honest though I am really happy for them.
To be with your significant other on Christmas Day or New Years Eve must be so special. 

Later on we went to Chinatown!

Of course the food was not as good as the food back in Malaysia- but then again, we are in Japan.
I do miss good chinese food quite a bit, because Japanese cuisine tends to lack the intense awesomeness that chinese dishes tend to have. 
Don't get me wrong; I LOVE Japanese food, but I think you'd never stop loving the food that you've been brought up with.
Being brought up in Malaysia, a country best known for it's food really, it's hard and unfair to compare it to any other kind of cuisine because in my mind? 
Malaysian food is always going to be the most delicious and comforting.

I've heard lots of exchange students tell me that Christmas in Japan is quite depressing, and really lonely.
They are definitely not lying, but I don't think it's depressing.
Lonely? Yes, definitely.
But being on exchange in another foreign country you can't help but be lonely I think.
People you love will leave, and you leave people you love.
During the holidays though, all these emotions will come flooding back; and you miss the people that make you who you are even more than usual.

Coldplay recently released a new single called "Christmas Lights".
I heard it in a Mister Donuts shop in Shinjuku a while back, and again today in the Snoopy shop at Minato Mirai.
I decided to look up the lyrics tonight before writing this blog and I realized something.
Although we feel alone; and because it's the holidays, this feeling of solitude would of course be intensified greatly- but somewhere out there, another person(s) is feeling the exact same way you are.

So although I feel lonely today on Christmas, I am surrounded by family.
Perhaps I'm not surrounded by the people that I would want to be with right now, if Santa would just be so kind and grant me my Christmas wish already, but...
That's life.

So 6 more days till the New Year, and 31 more days till I say Sayonara to Japan.
Goals before then?
Blog like crazy, buy souvenirs for friends, spend time with everyone I know here in Tokyo, give my exchange company hell, and do all the things I've yet to do.

So Merry Christmas Everyone!
If you feel absolutely warm and bubbly today; I'm happy for you...really..:P
If you are a bit lonely and nostalgic and need some chocolate cake and ice cream?

Come join me in my hotel room in Ueno! XD
We can all be lonely and pathetic together.

All my love always,



  1. You know I'd totally join you in your hotel room, Eipu-chan. <3 We can be lonely together. :3 Better yet, one of us can cross-dress and then we could see the Minato Mirai lights together.
