Monday, November 15, 2010

a great weekend.

my speech all completed with the help of "coffee" :P
It was my farewell speech yesterday.
Two months ahead but my school is rather inflexible and anal that way :p
Writing that speech and preparing for it was and still is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my exchange here.
For one, the tears were inevitable. Box of tissues and chocolate was in high demand whilst preparing the photos for this speech, not to mention reminiscing about all of you that have left Japan already to continue with your own lives.
I miss you all so much, and I can’t believe you’re not here with me till this day. =/

My host mom and sister both came to my farewell speech as well; and seeing them cry throughout the whole speech in the back row made it difficult to continue my speech smoothly.
I realize how much I’ll miss them as well. 
All the little things we laugh about, and not mention that I feel somewhat closer to them because they hosted one of my very first friends here in Tokyo.

my host sister and I celebrating with wine :P
 Knowing that I tried really hard to make this speech a success, they took me out for the whole day today in Roppongi Hills.
It’s funny- everytime I think that I can’t possibly find another reason to love my host family more, they give me a reason to do so.

My host mom bought me a pair of boots that was the total damage price of 12000yen because she was so proud of me to have come this far in my exchange, and that I have improved in my proficiency too.
I remember when my previous host mom told me my Japanese sucked.
I remember when they would laugh cruelly at me if I struggled to pronounce a word, and I can honestly say that the grass is totally greener and awesome on the other side.
I know I still have a long way to go in my proficiency with this language.
As mentioned in my speech- I don’t think I can actually speak the language at all because true fluency in a language should indicate having a high command of vocabulary and grammar to communicate with someone on any topic whatsoever.
I don’t think I can yet discuss political/economical matters as well as I can discuss sales or good places to eat around Tokyo with other people.
So; I still have a long way to go.

three more days to Harry Potter! Watching Knight and Day was a serious tease because the movie theater was just spewing with HP merchandise and advertisements everywhere. XD
We saw the movie “Knight and Day” in a premiere theatre. Each ticket cost about a total of 3000yen.
Needless to say; I didn’t dare doze off for a slight second after hearing how much it cost.
I don’t understand why tickets are so expensive here in Japan. That’s equal to 30USD, which is pretty much 60NZD. Per person. Ridiculous prices for everything.

Before this we had cake (Irish Cream Cheese Cake with Chocolate sauce…)
and tea(sweet awesome milk tea) which made me literally gain a few thousand pounds just by looking at the menu;
And not to mention the great teppanyaki place they took me to for dinner.

As I am writing this, I can feel all those gooey octopus balls just floating to my thighs.
Not to mention the okonomiyaki just settling nicely around my waist.
And HI yakisoba! Thanks for expanding my face.
Someone tell me to stop eating. =/ It’s bad. 

my host dad and host mom! Love this photo of them :D
However my host dad is a brilliant cook. It’s hard to resist kimchi nabe at 8PM at night when he tells me its “not that fattening” and “healthy”.
When I refuse to eat dinner he says, “but you should try, I made it for you”.
HOW does someone say no to that? You can’t really.
So this weight gain is not my fault, but my host family’s. :D
I totally have self control. I am the master of my own body.

I had to say goodbye to the first friend ever in Japan yesterday.
Met him two years ago, and it was really sad to say goodbye.
All the best to you though- don’t break too many hearts back in LA. :D
Coming home I skype’d with a certain English boy whom is running out of condoms to use because of all his vigorous partying and drinking habits. ;p 
Twas fun- we don't skype enough.
Speaking of which.
Skype is amazing. For those of you whom have yet to add me, please do :)
april.xyw is my username!
If anything, I think the old shinagawa exchange girls should all do a conference call and karaoke together just like old times! <3 that would be quite destructive; not to mention mind blowing :D

This weekend just made me realize that although I've been the one to stay back here in Japan and say goodbye to many loved and miss(ed) ones?
I'm going so soon.
I'll be the one that's going to leave my host family, my Japanese friends, and my new exchange friends behind too.
It's a painful thought- I know how it feels to be left behind but I wonder how it's like being forced to leave a place that has become your home.

Lately I've been extremely...lazy.
Just lazy, and unmotivated. 
Someone slap me, because I'm losing focus to study for the test coming up in less than 3 weeks.
It's...on the 5th of December, and I have yet to make progress with my vocabulary and kanji memorization. 
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I think it's because I know I'm going so soon, that I want every single minute to be a fun memory; as opposed to just sitting in front of a bunch of textbooks studying.
Doing past test papers to realize how far you have yet to come to just pass the test,
and knowing how much there is yet to do?
It's discouraging.
If anyone has any tips for me for major cramming; now is the time to man up and comment on this blog and tell me so.
(or just facebook message me, either is fine really.)
I seem to forget how to cram for exams. Used to be a legend at it while I was doing NCEA and procrastinated till the last three days but; this is in a completely new language, so I might not have the liberty to bullcrap my way through anything this time.
Especially not Japanese grammar. =/

Lazy to the point of?
Let me point out;
that it's already been two weeks since my last blog entry.
And that was about Halloween!
I need to blog at least twice, if not three times a week I think.
I want to stay in Japan for at least another year..
Imagine how fluent I would be able to become in that time?
20 months in Japan, instead of 10?
I would be able to pass this upcoming test with flying colors; heck; blindfolded even, if I was given the opportunity to be here for longer.
But perhaps having a time limit in life teaches you how to value time itself.
One of the very many things I've learnt how to do in my exchange here in Japan.
(however contradictory that may seem concerning my studies at the moment...;p )

I think I'll upload my edited farewell speech in my next entry.
I'll also add a link to see the video via my facebook page. (yes, you have to be my friend on facebook to see the video.)
If any of your lovely faces make a debut in my farewell speech?
Consider yourselves extremely loved and missed always. 
I mention in my speech how many of you cannot be here with me today in Tokyo to celebrate Christmas and New Years together as well; but I know somehow we'll celebrate in spirit. =]

All my love always,


1 comment:

  1. 酷いエイプリル!

