Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bye Japan! =] (English and Japanese Final Edit)


I can’t believe I only have two more months left here in Japan. Time really does fly like an arrow, and if I could change anything in this exchange, I wouldn’t. Every single memory made with my current host family, school friends, other exchange students that have already left, and the exchange students that are here- I would not change a single thing.
I have so many things I want to say, and it will take more than three minutes. However, I’ll try my best to tell all of you how my exchange has been, and how sad I am that it is ending.

I came here on the 4th of April. When I first arrived in Japan, I was only just a little bit excited. I was still in shock that I was in a foreign country all on my own, and the shock of leaving my family and friends behind in New Zealand numbed me from reality. However, the excitement of knowing I only had 10 months to make as many memories as possible in one of the most coveted cities in the world quickly grew. My love for the language also grew day by day, and I wanted so badly to express myself in Japanese the way I do so in English and Chinese.

I’ve been through hard and lonely times here in Tokyo. Sometimes I would even consider how much easier it would be if I just went back to New Zealand. Prior to summer vacation, I was extremely hopeless, and if not for the help of my other exchange friend, I would not have moved to my new host family. Come the start of summer vacation, things were starting to look better. In between moving houses, I stayed for a week in my classmate’s house that so warmly welcomed me in. It was from this point on, that I realized how kind Japanese people were. I didn’t expect my classmate to take any interest in my problems whatsoever, but after a few phone calls, I was packing my bags and moving to Chiba within a day.

After a week of staying at my classmate’s house in Chiba, I moved to another part of Chiba where my new host family is staying. Thanks to my new host family that has so kindly taken me in since the start of summer vacation, I have come to see the true kindness of Japanese people. I love Japan just as much as I do my own country, if not more. My current host family is one of the nicest people I have met in my life. They are so loving and understanding, and they are also very open-minded.  My host dad and mom both work extremely hard at their job, and my host sister is really interesting and funny. I have gained so much weight ever since I moved here because they cook such yummy Japanese food. I don’t know how I’ll go back to New Zealand and not be able to eat such delicious Japanese food. They have taken me to so many places to eat outside too, and I experienced my first viewing of fireworks with my new host mom in Asakusa, and I loved it so much, I went to the Yokohama and Edo Gawa festivals too. I’ve been shopping with my host mom, and down to Izu over a weekend last month. These memories spent with my host family will never ever fade. I love them all, and they are also one of the reasons why I do not want to go back to New Zealand. I love them like I love my family.

Summer vacation was truly the highlight of my exchange. I went to Kamakura, and three fireworks festivals. Before coming onto this exchange I didn’t have any expectations of going on any trips.  I started to love Japan even more than I thought possible, and I hated going to bed every night knowing that I will be one day closer to the day that I will have to leave this place, with all the people I’ve come to love in it.
All the exchange friends I’ve become best friends with have all returned home to continue on with their own lives, while I am still here in Japan, finishing my exchange. I never understood what it truly meant to feel loss, and to say goodbye to someone you might never see again, until I came on exchange. I am so grateful that I did experience this because I now realize how important it is to treasure the time you have with someone. No matter how long, or how short, the relationship you have with another person is one of the most important things in your life. 
When people ask me how many languages I can speak, I’m not sure if I can include Japanese quite yet. I can have simple conversations in Japanese, of course, but I think that it would take more than a year for anyone to learn a foreign language. I want to be able to express myself in Japanese just as well as I do in English and Chinese. I can express myself to a fair level in Japanese but I want to be able to have conversations with all kinds of people here in Japan, on any given topic too.  With the remaining months left here, I want to become even better in my proficiency.


When I come back, I want to visit this school again, and meet the new exchange kids that will be in my place. I want to come back here, and hopefully say that I haven’t forgotten how to speak Japanese too much, and also thank everyone once again for contributing to one of the best years of my life yet to come. Even though times here in Tokyo have been lonely, I wouldn’t have it any other way. With joy comes sorrow, and if I had to go through pain to become the person that Japan has made me become, then it’s all worth it. I have changed so much as a person, and I have learned not to regret anything. It’s not about if I succeed or not, but its all about how I get there in the first place.  Thank you everyone, for always supporting me. It’s been such a great experience and words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you for always being there for me. This school, my host families, my Japanese school friends, and all the exchange students that have left, and are still here, I will never forget you.

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