Friday, March 12, 2010

happy camper, for now.

Many things this year has happened that has slightly given me a bad impression of 2010.

For starters, American Idol Season 9.
The media frustrates and saddens me so much.
It upsets me that Lilly Scott is no longer in the running to become an American Idol.
She was the reason I even bothered watching this show!
That deadpan voice, that attitude?
She's everything I want to be.

She was a chance for indie/alternative and extremely quirky artists to make a break in the mainstream world, and maybe earn some serious cash along the way.
Does our generation today have zero appreciation for a unique voice and good, good lyrics?

I think the world just craves corny and predictable.
Justin Bieber/Taylor Swift on a silver platter anyone? =/

I stayed at home almost all week,
so I decided to spring clean my bathroom and bedroom before I depart to Japan.
Ah, but a monster lives in the closet and messes it up every single night while I sleep.
Its inevitable you see. Now I have to literally wade through piles of clothing to access my "bed", which is covered in books and various stationery.

My hugest complain of the year though,
was the fact that I was missing out on John Mayer's concert.

I was so disappointed and upset that I couldn't attend a Battle Studies Tour because of Japan,
"Life is life, and your priorities to go to Japan and STUDY, overcome the need for John Mayer." - as quoted by my loving and too realistic dad.

When I found out about John going to NZ,
the tour dates for 2010 were not completely up yet.
I automatically assumed he wouldn't bother visiting Asia,
as he usually centralizes his tours around America and Canada.
I obviously assumed wrong, and thank God I did! =]

Today is a good day. I will not forget this day.
John has finally released the remaining dates for his Battle Studies Tour,
and he has included Japan in his destination list!
I am absolutely... blown away, really.
There are no adjectives that can describe the incredibly awesome vibe I am getting about my  leaving for Japan now.
I know my trip to Japan is purely for the cultural and academical benefit,
but to know that my first John Mayer concert will be in a foreign country as well?
I am one happy camper.

Now all there is to do is purchase tickets.
Can someone please translate this page for me? =/
There are a lot of characteres that I am rather confuzzled about!
This website appears to be the Ticketek of Japan.
Hmmm. =/

On April Fools Day, I also turn 17- which isn't that exciting for me.
It pales in comparison to my exchange trip to Japan.
This surprises me, because birthdays for me are a huge deal.
Birthdays are truly a pleasant reminder to truly carpe diem one's butt off no matter the circumstance.
Okay, the birthday cake is good too. And presents. :)

2010 is turning over a nice new leaf.

She&Him Volume Two is coming out on March 23rd as well.
The countdown for that has long begun,
and I couldn't imagine going to Japan on any other soundtrack.

Lalalala. Life is gooood.

All my love always,

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