Friday, January 20, 2012

The Who Shop Adventure

I've been watching Doctor Who for over two years now, and as far as I'm concerned; there's never a person who watches the series that isn't a complete nutter for anything Doctor Who, and is a dedicated Whovian. I even impressed myself with my dedication to go to the Who Shop despite my shit sense of direction. I somehow managed to find my way to Upton Park station (which isn't conveniently located in Zones 1 or 2 of the Underground), and walk for a good 20 minutes or so, all the while feeling a bit lost, to the Who Shop. The Who Shop is located in a rather...dodgy part of town, to put it nicely. I was half contemplating not to go to the Who Shop and just order the merchandise online, but of course, online shopping can only get you so far. Nothing truly beats going to the store to see the merchandise in person, chatting to the sale assistants, and listening to the Doctor Who Proms 2010 soundtrack blast in the overhead speakers.

I'm so glad I stuck it out and went anyway, because the shop was bigger than I had expected. The owner of the shop too, admitted that she'd much rather relocate to Central London where it was more accessible, but the rent would apparently quadruple for a store merely a third of the current one she owned. The amount of tourists and customers that visit the Who Shop should not be compromised, she believes, for "Whovians all over the world will die for a Tardis mug, and will do anything to get one."

I was ridiculously tempted to buy this, wear it at the Law orientation and tell everyone that I'm going to exterminate them...
She's absolutely right, because I did in fact treat myself to a Tardis mug, and bought my brother a limited edition flying Tardis. It's beautiful beyond description. It makes all the sounds (taking off, landing, crashing...), and the doors can even fly open to reveal the "bigger inside". I was the only customer to the Who Shop that day, since Emma had already left for Denmark. She doesn't watch Doctor Who, so I think she was secretly relieved that she didn't have to watch me fangirl my way over Tennant posters and the like. 

I wish I could have bought the entire store, really. It took great self restraint on my part not to purchase a Doctor Who poster. Not because I couldn't afford it- I simply wouldn't be able to bring it back with me to NZ. Its more sensible to order things like posters online because they are guaranteed to be safely delivered. Whereas if I was to purchase a poster from the Who shop, take it back with me in the underground, on the train back up to Durham, pack it in my big black luggage, and then somehow get it to both Heathrow, Changi, and Auckland International airport...there might be a few unwanted creases here and there. Saying that though, I managed to buy a length wise poster for R (the crack in the wall poster). It was a challenge rolling it up, though considerably much eaiser than rolling up a proper A1 sized poster. 

Is the Who Shop worth a visit? Definitely. I can't stress this enough. Ignore the dodgy neighborhood, and the odd random person that literally sniffs at you while you walk past. Ignore the filthy takeaway shops, the threatening looks from drivers, and crazy kids on skateboards. Just get to the Who Shop, and you'll feel much more at home. I can't believe the new series only begins in late fall of 2012. Watching reruns aren't a terrible idea- in fact, it's good fun since you are reminded of how different the ninth, tenth, and eleven are from each other. Still wish it came out in the Spring of 2012 though. That'd be nice, since it'll slowly start getting cold back in New Zealand, and I'll have the Doctor to keep me warm.

All my love always,



  1. Amazing girl=amazing journey=amazing posts </3

  2. I'm going to England soon and that Dalek helmet thing looks awesome! Could you please tell me how much it was if you can remember? P.S. Awesoome blog.
