Friday, January 20, 2012

Platform 9¾


I think I've waited long enough to see platform 9¾, and although I am quite disappointed that it's moved location to a less disruptive spot, I was still thrilled that I could have my photo taken with it. It has now been relocated to a very discreet alleyway of Kings Cross, randomly placed right in front of a security guard's office. Some tourists that were lining up to take their photo with the platform 9¾ sign looked a bit offended- and I can't blame them really. Especially since I literally flew 30 hours to get here; I did expect more. But petty  issues aside, I'm glad it's still there.

Although the initial shooting of Harry Potter took place between platforms 4 and 5 of Kings Cross, Rowling had intended for it to be between platforms 9 and 10; hence, platform 9¾. I'm not sure how Rowling herself feels about this relocation of the platform either...

The other shots of the film are mostly shot at St Pancras International, which is undoubtedly the grander building when compared to Kings Cross. The station in itself has always been beautifully furnished, and the Renaissance hotel that sits just a minute walk away from the hostel I was staying at was in my opinion, solely responsible for the aesthetics of the whole of Euston Road itself. This hotel is truly a work of art. I think it costs around 150 pounds just to stay there for one night (cheapest hotel room available apparently)

St Pancras International also feature many gourmet restaurants, cafes, and shops for passengers that travel on the Eurostar. I had the privilege of having waffles with a friend just before my train ride back up to Durham the next day on the 17th.
Mmmm, Belgium waffles. I can't really complain about any weight gain in the UK when desserts like this only cost me less than $15NZD!! The gelato was heavenly.

Emma and I had various cakes and sweets during our trip in London. The pictures that are featured in this blog only showcase a very, very small percentage of what was consumed on a daily basis.
Reflecting back now, I'm quite disgusted at the sheer amount that we had indulged in. If I had used perhaps, half of my expenses on clothes or books instead, I'd be much better off.

However, I have been splurging on books here at Waterstones (the more successful version of Borders). The books here are surprisingly cheap, and although the only issue with purchasing books from overseas is the means in which you can ship them back home, I'm glad I bought them. I'm thinking of writing small, mini blog reviews on all the books I have bought so far, and kindly received from R as well. Can't begin to describe how grateful I am for the free time I have in the UK, completely  ideal for reading bible sized novels in two days.

Emma had to leave on the morning of the 17th (and by morning, I mean crazy early morning, like 6AM, really dark outside kind of morning), to catch her flight back to Denmark. My train ride back up to Durham was booked for the evening, and to celebrate our last day in London together, we had a beautiful Italian meal close by our hostel. Considering that her flight was so early in the morning, we compromised on having a huge dinner the night before.

We had two pizzas to share, and a starter for dessert. It's a bit confusing as to why we decided to have starters for dessert, but by the end of our London trip, the craving for anything savoury definitely overpowered our craving for sweets. Our endless afternoon teas and hot chocolate breaks between shopping and sightseeing eventually took its toll. The starter was extremely satisfying. I've never had mozzarella cheese on its own before, and never noticed that it was infused with olive oil as well. Perhaps it's different to how other restaurants prepare and serve their baby mozzarella cheese(s), but definitely the best 10 pounds each of us has ever spent on a starter dish in a London restaurant.

I'm not sure when I'll see Emma again- and we both felt overwhelmed at the thought of the future. Will we see each other again? Am I going to go to Europe in the next year or so? Will we both decide to study abroad in Japan again? Although these questions remain unanswered, I'm glad that I still had the opportunity to meet up with her after all these years. It's literally been a year and a half since I've seen Emma, and I definitely missed her more than I realise. If you are reading this Emma, thanks so much for a wonderful trip in London. I can't wait till our next big adventure!

All my love always,


1 comment:

  1. Chan, you're actually wrong about old JK, she got it confused with Euston station.
