Saturday, January 7, 2012

fish and chips

We came back to Durham last night around half eleven at night to discover that we didn't have any food to eat. Making plans immediately to go grocery shopping today, we managed to hike it up to Tesco Metro and buy some bread, cheese, and butter. Unfortunately, hunger got the better of us and stopping by Robinsons and Iceland proved too challenging a feat to accomplish.

Rushing home, R and I heated up some canned soup and baguette for lunch, and planned to have fish and chips for dinner. This admittedly, is my second time having fish and chips here in the UK.
Though I'm not entirely certain if fish and chips tastes better in different parts of Britain, R has assured me that this little chippy shop in County Durham has the best fish and chips he's ever tasted.
Given that he's spent most of his 21 years of life here, I'm willing to trust him on his opinion.

*not my photo. I was too busy stuffing my face to take a photo of the chip butty R made for himself
R even made a chip butty (which I never knew existed) with his remaining chips. It's pretty much a chip sandwich. I tried a bite and left it there. Somehow I couldn't enjoy it as much as normal fish and chips. Not too keen on combining carbs and carbs.

We splitted the fish amongst us because the first time round, I struggled to finish a whole piece to myself.
This time around I managed to finish half a fish, and some of the chips.
It's a huge, HUGE portion to what I'm accustomed to in New Zealand. Also- the ones here in the UK where it originally came from is unsurprisingly much tastier than the one in New Zealand.
I suspect it is mainly to do with the length of time the fries spend in the fryer, and the batter used to coat the fish.

Nonetheless, a good guilty pleasure that I plan to indulge in a few more times before I return to New Zealand. =]

All my love always,


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