Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finding 221b Baker Street

a full, typical English breakfast

On our second day in London, we head out of the hostel at around 9AM and go straight to Camden Town. There's a little cafe that does "gourmet English breakfast", because apparently there is a lot of culinary skill involved in cooking baked beans and frying bacon.

this was a huge lie. It took us a good half hour!
map of Regent's Park
After paying a horrific amount of money for my breakfast, Emma and I decide to try and walk to Regent's Park. Our plans for the day include the Globe Theatre, and finding 221b Baker Street. I've recently been introduced to the literary works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and have been attempting to get through the stories. I've been watching the BBC series of Sherlock since it came out last year (of course I would; since it's co-written by Moffat), and have enjoyed it just as much as I do watching Doctor Who.

I think part of being a tourist is making huge colossal mistakes throughout the day; and repeating them. Even though there was a mutual agreement on the first night we were in London to never underestimate the distance of places solely by looking at the map itself, Emma and I still managed to repeat the same mistake by attempting to walk from Camden Town to Regent's Park, and go round the whole of the park in order to get to Baker Street.

In hindsight it wasn't that long of a walk; 45 minutes to an hour tops, but considering that we walk really slow, and that we were quite full from our English breakfast, the walk felt uncomfortable and unnecessary.

apparently these guys are a nuisance? HOW?
crazy mutant sized ducks...
However, the weather was beautiful that day- perfect for taking photos of all the ducks, cranes, and squirrels. I can't actually begin to describe how lovely Mother Nature has been to us tourists over the weekend. It's been cloudless blue sky, and the sun would set later than normal (around 6pm) so that we could use as much of the day as possible.

We finally head out of Regent's Park and who knew? Baker Street was conveniently located opposite the park. Luckily enough for the two of us, 221b Baker Street was also at the very start of the road itself, meaning that A) we didn't have to go looking for it like maniacs, and B) less walking involved.

The minute I saw the musuem, I squealed so loud, and proceeded to freaking jump up and down on the spot. I swear the locals were convinced it was my first time at Disneyland or something. Poor Emma had to calm me down and coax me into actually lining up for the musuem, instead of pacing the entrance like a lunatic. But in the end I was somehow lucid enough to take a photo with the man standing outside the door, dressed in appropriate gear and everything. There were about a dozen women dressed in attire appropriate to Mrs Hudson. Not entirely certain it would have been bright lime green, but what can I say? The illustrations in the novels are black and white, and the modern adaptation on BBC One would not be of much help considering that it's a modern adaptation.

Within the musuem itself was a replica of what the house would have been like- including where Mrs Hudson and John Watson would have slept, and Sherlock's study. Emma and I had the privilege of sitting in the front room (along with every single visitor to the musuem), and we posed accordingly. I'm extremely pleased I could actually visit the musuem this second time around to London. The first trip to London was spent doing some generic sightseeing, and I finally had a clear list in my head of the things I wanted to see and do whilst touring around with Emma.

The wax figures on the top floor of the museum was a bit scary at first (a bit relieved that I didn't visit Madame Tussauds Wax Museum now that I've had a good look at the ones here...), but I stopped being a wuss and took photos anyway. Moriarty looked extremely frightening. My favourite display was by far the Scandal in Bohemia one. John and Sherlock had a display too- but I was unfamiliar as to what story it was based on, and couldn't appreciate it as such. (look below)

I bought the Baker Street sign at the gift shop for my brother (and if he doesn't like it, I'll keep it), and a postcard to send back to a certain friend of mine who loves Sherlock and everything Moffat related.

I'm extremely fortunate that R got me the complete works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in mutant bible form, because buying it from London would have cost me a small fortune, and not to mention that it would break my arm in the process of bringing it back on the train up to Durham.

I definitely recommend visiting the Sherlock Holmes Museum if you are ever in London. There is also a Beatles shop to the left of the museum- but I wouldn't recommend it. Overpriced and cheesy, it was a huge letdown after the visit to 221b Baker Street.

All my love always,



  1. ホームズさん好き!エイプリルちゃんの旅行写真すきです!

  2. lol you should have read the books while I read them in Japan land- btw did you ever visit the library? lmfao glad you had fun love!

  3. AHHH! you lucky thing! I've almost read my way through the entire works of Sherlock Holmes and i'm so hooked!
