Sunday, May 29, 2011

monday mornings

Don't  you love Monday mornings?
I realize that all the negativity I have on this blog can be a bit tiring at times.

I was just reading a few posts from Japan last year, and remembering how much I talked about me 'changing'.

To be honest- i'm still a whiny brat, who has even crappier time management.
But good thing I learned a whole new language.
Ha. Ha.

But in the spirit of change, and making sure that I remain positive for the rest of 2011...

this cartoon is a huge lie. A Dalek can fly... We are doomed.

I like it how I woke up this morning and squinted at the flood of sunlight in my room.
I thought there was a Dalek in my room and freaked out.
I like Dr. Who- but I have no balls whatsoever, so I can't watch it alone. And I make sure that my brother/mother/father are within earshot.
After finishing another episode, I am now really liking the fact that I'm home alone, and probably will get exterminated very soon.
Into oblivion.
It's going to be so great.

I like it how I decided to skip all four lectures today- right before my exams too!
Reasons for doing so include:
A: It's too cold to step outside
B: The clouds are too grey and I hate it when it's cloudy.
C: The Dalek will eat me.
D: Not to mention the zombies.

I also like it how my mom walked in the room, and nagged about something like consequences and actions and being mature.
Bleh. I'm older- not wiser.

I especially like it that when I decide to go healthy, I reached for a chocolate bar instead.

I can't express my dying love for the Industrial Revolution and spinning machines called "jenny" and "mule".

I love, LOVE that insert key.
After writing a long and boring essay for around an hour, I realized that almost half of what I had typed out was mysteriously not appearing on the page.
Turns out that 700 words into this essay, my obnoxiously large baby hands decided it'd be funny to accidentally hit that inappropriate "insert" key on the keyboard.
And it ate all the other words I had typed up. For a good hour.

...Fat bastard.

I also cannot wait for exams! Oh man, what will we do without college.
The adrenalin rush you get when you're stuck in room full of people more capable than you are, furiously writing away while you stare at the clock and wonder why God hates you.

I love Monday mornings.

Here's to a brilliant start to a brilliant week.



Monday, May 23, 2011

my little button

found this picture, and it reminded me of you.

i miss you 

my baby, my bunny, my Button.

All my love always

hope you're doing well in bunny heaven
(which means there are no scary cats and dogs and lots of dandelions for you to nom on ^.^

x Mummy. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

C's get degrees

How Addicted to Facebook Are You?

Created by Oatmeal

Maybe if I stopped going on Facebook, I'd actually pass my exams in the next two weeks. T____T

Ugh I wish I can transcend stress.

who am I kidding? The most I can do is stare at the hugiant list of things yet to be done and then troll on the internet to feel sorry for myself.

I bet I'd get a big fat A+ for that.

The papers I'm doing at uni on the other hand...

C's get degrees, C's get degrees...

All my crappy love always,


just a thought

I know science says that we are an accident.
We came onto this planet through the Big Bang and all, and we evolved.
It's rational, ideal, and it best fits all the knowledge we know of the world today.

But when I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but wonder.
Can the laughter I share, the tears I cry, the ups and downs of life just be purely biological?
There is a beauty to science, of course, but there's gotta be something more than that.

The feeling you get when you realize the difference between happiness and joy.
How happiness is a solid, and joy is liquid.
You can't live without it.
Better yet, when you find that joy in that one person, 
and just the presence of them builds a warm sensation within you.

You're not what sure it is,
and all you want to say,
all you feel you can say is I. Love. You.
That's not just an accident. That magic, that rare moment, do you know how wonderful that is?
It can't just be as simple as dopamine neurons and brain energy. It's more than that.

Someone once told me that magic is just a science we don't understand yet.
This world is full of miracles, wonder, and I guess it takes a day like this to realize.

I think when you spill all this love for that one person,
the greatest feeling in the world must be when they do the same thing back.
What greater gift can there be but to experience and share all that joy with them? just can't all be an accident.

All my love always,


Thursday, May 19, 2011


oh pooh bear.

I've just received an assignment.
It's my last English assignment for the semester.
I dislike it.

I simply never thought it possible.
The day where your lecturer goes to you and say, "write about something you would problematize, find a solution. 1000 word limit, give or take 10%."
I am completely stuck.
"Remember you cannot write about issues that have already been debated. You need to find your own problem with an issue that currently does not exist a problem"
Um. Sorry. What?

Oh English.
I am never getting anywhere, am I?

Following my silly grade of B+ in which I discussed about rockism and hip hop vs. rap music, I am not feeling all too hot about this assignment.
Exams in less than three weeks, and I'm no where near starting my revision learning process.

If my mind was an oyster..
To be honest I never understood that analogy.
What are the similarities?
My brain matter does not resemble an oyster.
Nor does it work like an oyster.
I would also strongly object to anyone prying my skull open and eating it.
Yeah, future zombies. I'm talking to you.

On a more serious note though, I really, really hate oysters.
Raw, cooked, beer-battered, grilled-with-a-ton-of-cheese-with-a-fancy-leaf-on-top-as-garnish-I-do-not-know-the-name-of...
Whatever. Oysters are really gross.
Or was the analogy something about oysters and pearls?...
I don't know. Correct me if I'm wrong.

But to draw a better analogy perhaps, I could say..
My mind is so void of ideas it would look like an empty honey pot.
Who am I kidding, that was also a terrible analogy. I suck at constructing analogies.
Funny thing because in the next critical thinking test I have which constitutes 35% of my grade, I have to construct analogies to make bad arguments seem persuasive.
Oh the irony.

Wordle. <3

I cannot think of anything, and now I am blogging.
Because I do not know what to write this piece about.
I was thinking maybe I could discuss the manner in which second languages are taught in classrooms today, and how flawed the entire system is.
I would then problematize this into arguing how learning a second language definitely would broaden your perspective, etc..
My solution would be to incorporate more immersion and inspiration into the classroom environment.
If I find myself stuck within this 1000 word essay, I'd just talk about Hitler. know an argument is bad when you start referring to Hitler.

Other topics include content filters on the internet, the national service requirement of all males in Singapore, how shitty life is getting, how lazy I am on a day-to-day basis, and how exams are a terrible way of assessing one's academic capability.


I have been quite busy in general.
Feeling sorry for myself is a high priority of mine nowadays.
After I have dinner, I allocate time to sit in a corner and conjure up really horrible scenarios involving selling fruit on the streets of Malaysia.

But aside from that, I was blackmailed, no sorry, brainwashed, took part in the Model UN for Auckland University this weekend. 


Model UN was fun. 
The people I met there were insanely, disgustingly smart.
Funny thing was they thought I was too.
Ha. Ha. Ha.

All in all, two really important things we should all remember. 

1) Water is important

2) Water is not as important as condoms.

I'm going to go watch some Dr.Who.
(in a little screen next to Facebook because it gets scary in some parts)

PS: the blog post titled 'noise', which was my first entry for the month of May 2011, was actually a piece I had to do for uni. 
Let's see if it gets an A+. 

All my love always,


UPDATE: Received my results today!
A+ ^_^ hehe.
oh Blogspot. What would I do without you

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Is it just me, or is a zombie's life more productive than mine?

picture not created by me. 

Monday, May 16, 2011


To give you an idea of what constitutes as noise, listen to this.

surrounded by 'noise bubbles' in our everyday world.

Noise is not restricted to the audio aspects of our lives, but also the social and visual.
I remember when my dad would read the morning paper over breakfast, and I'd glance at the headlines sprawled over the page.
I remember seeing a million references to countries I couldn't even locate on the map.
I remember the exposure I had to politics, culture, and art.
The things I didn't understand was then regarded as 'noise', because I simply could not appreciate or comprehend it.

an online world where I can pick and choose the news I want to read- and don't want to read.

I don't recall a time my local Facebook news feed (in which I've synced with various internet news sites) has given me this same colorful array of varying news topics.
The websites I visit are completely noise-free, and relevant to what I know of the world today.

the elimination of all the noise outside of my interests.

The companies behind these websites have created a filtering process in which we can eliminate the noise surrounding us.
Before the internet, newspapers and magazines led the forefront in media coverage, and we were exposed to a smorgasbord of both relevant and irrelevant news topics.
Our current age today has found a way to make it focused on

We can now exist in a silent world; devoid of noise and full of relevance. 
The Japan Earthquake, the Royal Wedding, President Obama's birth certificate.
I am now shielded away from what the internet thinks is noise to me.
Local politics, what's happened there?

the reality of our world without any noise.

A world in which noise is no longer a hassle sounds ideal.
It sounds perfect.

But it's lonely.

The internet was founded initially on the morale of widespread of all knowledge for the world.
Not the widespread of knowledge to which are 'relevant' to me.

Algorithms have replaced journalists to dictate what needs to be silenced out of our noisy lives.
Perhaps this is an effective way to personalize our world- but it would suck to think that one day I am unaware of the end of the world just because I didn't previously click on one little link.

all pictures and information gathered from here