Wednesday, February 2, 2011

a detox?

I'm eating chocolate.

I know that the first three words of this blog definitely contradict that of the actual title of this blog, but hear me out.

I'm eating chocolate, because I want to remember how delightful sin tastes like in food form.
This is definitely prior to my detox which starts tomorrow, involving me drinking salt water for breakfast and spicy lemon drinks for lunch and dinner.


Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, and I'm eating chocolate.
This is definitely not an Asian tradition in which one would partake on New Year's Eve, however, despite my over-eating at dinner, I still am eating chocolate.

waffle iron for my 18th, and I'll be the happiest girl alive :D

I really just want waffles, but there's chocolate, so I'm eating chocolate.

Today's the first day I feel happier since I've been back from New Zealand.
I feel happier because I forgot that good things always come after the bad.
I was reminded today of everything good and wonderful, and I cannot help but smile because for once in a very long time, I'm genuinely excited.

Following the very long and successful interview I had with the Dean of Auckland Uni, I was then offered a position at the university to blog professionally.
The Dean of Administrations was apparently quite taken with me, and after several handshakes later and meet and greets with web designers and other important people that handle these kind of things, I am now being considered for the part.

Little did I know that my blog in Japan could lead me here.
It would be, and is the foundation of what people would judge me by, and the very thought of that scares me.
True, I say things in my blog in which would definitely be harmful if not disastrous for my future career prospects, but for now, I love my blog :D

I'm embarking on a scary detox which involves salt water, and lemon water.
Not to mention the charming laxative tea that follows prior to one's bedtime.
It's pretty much going for a swim in the sea in the morning..with your mouth open.
For lunch, one must suck a dozen lemons with red pepper sprinkled on it for fun.

I'll probably blog throughout the detox but not publish it on here.
A lawsuit isn't exactly what I need right now.
Especially because I know for certain that the first few days of my 'purification for the new me' would be painful both physically and emotionally.
Physically because ... well, I like things in my mouth ...;)
Emotionally because I love to feel sorry for myself, and restricting myself from stuffing my face with food for 5-7days would be challenging.
I am very determined to complete this detox and see results though.
For one thing...
...the detox costs a third of an air ticket.

I really like my food.
A lot.

So do wish me luck in this detox.
It's all a lie, really.
I don't think I'm going to end up like the blonde chick on this box.
Unless all the yellow in the lemon ends up bleaching my hair a scary blonde color.

All my love always,


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