Sunday, March 28, 2010

tick. tock.

I love clocks.

If you've ever been into my room,
you would know that I love clocks.

You would also find it difficult to relax because of the "annoying" ticking noises.

I have three clocks in my room,
and unfortunately, they don't tick at the same time.

If you listen closely enough,
it kinda mimics the rhythm of Sugar We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy.
...kinda. :)

The first clock is a clock I bought from Ikea.
It looks like a hanger, but its just more awesome.
This is the clock I wanted the most out of the three I have because it looked like a hanger.
A pink, fat hanger.
What's not to like? :)

The second clock is a little alarm clock.
I bought it at a Japanese store in Malaysia.
It is tiny and it can fit in my palm.
It is also pink, but one may call it "light baby pink"
It looks like a bell. It has cute font, and I am fond of it. :)

The third clock is a present from my mom.
I think it is also from Asia.
There's nothing cool to say about it really.
It usually breaks down, and it can't seem to do anything but take up space.
It doesnt even deserve a photo.

I totally understand if you're bored already.
Clocks are not that fascinating. I know.
It just has a heck of a lot to do with the reality I am faced with thanks to these clocks.
I have exactly 4320 minutes till my birthday, and 21600 minutes until my bum is on a tiny airplane seat for 1000 minutes.
I am so grateful for the person that invented hours and days.
It would be so tiring to calculate time in just minutes. Man.
What I am trying to say is in normal human speak,
is that is is...
3 Days till my birthday, 5 Days till I'm on a plane and approximately 15 Hours in a plane. =]

I really wish that you could take the batteries out of life so that time will just freeze.
I want my life right now to be like the useless third clock that is taking up space in my room.
Forever being frozen at 11:12.
That kinda sucks a little because it means that none of the wishes I'd make would come true,
but hey, at least it stops before the morning comes.

I've been having so much fun in New Zealand, that I can't possibly having more fun anywhere else
I've just realized how much I'm going to miss all my friends.
I'm not even excited about turning 17!
The flipping Sound of Music has a song dedicated to this specific event in a girl's life when she goes from 16 to 17, and I'm not even buzzing at the idea.
Am I growing up?
Noo! I liked being excited about birthdays and cake and presents.
Where is Neverland when you need it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ungrateful for this opportunity.
I just never thought that as the date came closer to my departure,
I would end up dreading to go as opposed to being excited to go.
I cringe as I wake up in the morning, knowing that I still have a ton of things to pack.
I cringe as I am packing as I realize how many things I am or will be forgetting to bring along with me.

Heck, I just cringe whenever I think about Japan!
Getting out of my comfort zone for a year.
Studying again after a hugeeee 6 month break.
Wearing a uniform?
Doing PE?
Can someone please come with me?
I'm sure someone weighs less than 20 kg.
If not, stop eating. :)

Hopefully this feeling is totally normal,
and when I'm settled in my home in Tokyo,
I'll actually look back and laugh at myself for writing this blog,
and having the nerve to actually put it on the world wide web for all to mock.

Hopefully the next time I blog,
I'll have somewhat improved in my Japanese.

Hopefully the next time I blog,
I'd have made a ton of friends that remind me of the old Disney movies.

Hopefully I'd still remember how to speak English,
and not be caught in between two languages and not be good at either of them.

Hopefully I will find batteries for that clock,
and won't feel too upset when I know that life just goes on,
and no one can stop time and make it freeze in its place.

All my love always,

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear Japan.

Dear Japan,
I will be visiting you in less that 14 days.
I visited you two years ago,
and it was not only my best year yet,
I met people that are simply amazing.
Some, not so much.

Thank you so much for providing an endless supply of tissue papers.
I even had a tissue packet that had Elmo's face on it.
I still do not have the heart to open this packet,
for it will most certainly rip Elmo's face in half.

Thank you, for having the world's most kickass public transportation system.
Although you prove to create the most anal rules concerning behaviour on the train,
I gotta give it to ya -you really mean it when you say that the next train will arrive in 2.5 minutes.
Thank you for creating all your Japanese business men the same.
Sporting uniformity is amusing, and I am loving the identical business suits all around.

Thank you for a Tokyo DisneySea.
Although you did make me feel insignificant and awkwardly single with your amusement park rides that catered specifically for COUPLES...
Life is so much better with a giant mascot of a mouse to take photos with.
Not to mention the chocolate covered popcorn.
Where did that come from?

Thank you, for giving me the coolest homestays anyone could ever ask for.
I've made lifelong friends because you blessed me with such amazing people to take care of me.

Thank you, for the schools in Kyoto and Tokyo.
The traditional perfomances which included various types of high pitched shrieking,
still amuse me to this day.
AND. You really had a knack of throwing welcoming parties.
Kyoto's welcoming party was ... oh wait, we didn't get one.
(work on that, will you?)
Tokyo's welcoming party gave us tables and tables of food, gifts, and a certificate that made all of us feel more significant than ever.
(a huge step up from the school in Kyoto, well done.)

Thank you, for having a BaskinRobbins ice cream store.
I will have a huge scoop of Jamoca Almond Fudge whenever I miss my older brother.
(probably all the time, who am I kidding.)

Thank you, for having the amazing ability to make attractive and adorable stationary.
You must have known I was coming, and put everything on sale whenever I went shopping.


I dislike you, Japan.
You took John Mayer away from me.
In the duration of an hour, you somehow managed to swallow up 6000 tickets for the both nights that he was opening in Tokyo.
I bet you don't even understand half of the things he is saying!
He talks crap most of the time,
and you pay 8500yen to hear some white dude talk trash (though, awesome and lovely and gooey trash) while playing guitar?
That is strictly my property.
Shame, on you.
You crushed my dreams, and for that,
I not only dislike you,
I freaking hate you.

I also dislike you because
your currency rate is too high.
New Zealand dollar has dropped,
meaning that everything would be double the price.
So 30 or 40 bucks for a meal is considered pretty standard.

I dislike you even further for pricing ridiculous items that are somehow a necessity at such an alarmingly expensive rate.
Why do I have to pay a $1000 for a school uniform?
Yes, its a Japanese uniform, and they are cute,
but you gave me a bright yellow sweater that is paired with a bright red tartan skirt to wear.
I do not think that is cute,
in fact, I think that is rather puke-worthy.
Why yellow?
Yellow is not a very attractive color, especially since it is the unfortunate shade of "look-at-me-i-am-an-unfortunate-shade-of-yellow".
Plus, I am Asian, in case you didn't notice,
and the bright yellow sweater that I will have to wear will emphasize my yellow-ness too well.

And I freaking loathe you,
because you exiled me to an all girls school in Japan.
I am afraid of confrontation and bitch fights,
and cannot physically avoid all the gossiping and cattiness.
So, therefore, I dislike your decision in sending me to one.


I owe you an apology, Japan.
Because when I went there two years ago,
I talked and laughed as loud as I wanted to in the train,
and faced the wrong way around too.

I also said hello to many strangers on the train,
and fell asleep on a few unfortunate Japanese men,
To be honest, its not that big of a deal.
I didn't drool or anything.
...or did I? =/

So perhaps you are punishing me for some of my outtakes in Japan two years ago.
That is okay, I accept your punishment "gracefully".
However, the John Mayer thing was simply, too far.
I still want him, and am going to hate on every single person that bought a ticket to that concert.
Foreign people and their obsession with American artists, pshh.

So in all good spirits,
I have more gratitude towards you than complaints towards you in the end.
Right now, I am extremely bitter, but give me time,
and I'll be Lil Miss Sunshine and Rainbows with Dancing Unicorns once again.

One day, you won't love concerts so much.
One day, you will know that trains should be another place for each other to connect with one another,
and perhaps complete silence is too drastic.
One day, you will also know that your uniformity is not as awesome as you think it is.
One day, you will also know that bright yellow on ANYONE, isn't a great color.

And in 14 days,
I will see you again.
Please bear with me if I drop all of my luaggage on some poor old lady in the train.
I can't help but carry a lot of things with me.
I am packing for 365 days after all.
It's your fault for making everything so expensive.
Please also don't hate me if I cannot speak the language fluently,
and say "um" more than actual words with a meaning.
Its kinda your fault that the grammar structure differs to the English one so drastically. not eat me alive, please.

All my "love" always,

Friday, March 12, 2010

happy camper, for now.

Many things this year has happened that has slightly given me a bad impression of 2010.

For starters, American Idol Season 9.
The media frustrates and saddens me so much.
It upsets me that Lilly Scott is no longer in the running to become an American Idol.
She was the reason I even bothered watching this show!
That deadpan voice, that attitude?
She's everything I want to be.

She was a chance for indie/alternative and extremely quirky artists to make a break in the mainstream world, and maybe earn some serious cash along the way.
Does our generation today have zero appreciation for a unique voice and good, good lyrics?

I think the world just craves corny and predictable.
Justin Bieber/Taylor Swift on a silver platter anyone? =/

I stayed at home almost all week,
so I decided to spring clean my bathroom and bedroom before I depart to Japan.
Ah, but a monster lives in the closet and messes it up every single night while I sleep.
Its inevitable you see. Now I have to literally wade through piles of clothing to access my "bed", which is covered in books and various stationery.

My hugest complain of the year though,
was the fact that I was missing out on John Mayer's concert.

I was so disappointed and upset that I couldn't attend a Battle Studies Tour because of Japan,
"Life is life, and your priorities to go to Japan and STUDY, overcome the need for John Mayer." - as quoted by my loving and too realistic dad.

When I found out about John going to NZ,
the tour dates for 2010 were not completely up yet.
I automatically assumed he wouldn't bother visiting Asia,
as he usually centralizes his tours around America and Canada.
I obviously assumed wrong, and thank God I did! =]

Today is a good day. I will not forget this day.
John has finally released the remaining dates for his Battle Studies Tour,
and he has included Japan in his destination list!
I am absolutely... blown away, really.
There are no adjectives that can describe the incredibly awesome vibe I am getting about my  leaving for Japan now.
I know my trip to Japan is purely for the cultural and academical benefit,
but to know that my first John Mayer concert will be in a foreign country as well?
I am one happy camper.

Now all there is to do is purchase tickets.
Can someone please translate this page for me? =/
There are a lot of characteres that I am rather confuzzled about!
This website appears to be the Ticketek of Japan.
Hmmm. =/

On April Fools Day, I also turn 17- which isn't that exciting for me.
It pales in comparison to my exchange trip to Japan.
This surprises me, because birthdays for me are a huge deal.
Birthdays are truly a pleasant reminder to truly carpe diem one's butt off no matter the circumstance.
Okay, the birthday cake is good too. And presents. :)

2010 is turning over a nice new leaf.

She&Him Volume Two is coming out on March 23rd as well.
The countdown for that has long begun,
and I couldn't imagine going to Japan on any other soundtrack.

Lalalala. Life is gooood.

All my love always,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

bah, you are useless.

No, you're not that useless. I just wanted to grab your attention.
(don't deny it, you were hooked just by the title!)

I watch a lot of daytime television, which by the way, is a complete waste of pixels and brain space. Don't even think about turning that TV on unless
A) Tennis Grand Slam is on.
B) The Olympics.
C) The Ellen Show.
Otherwise, just don't even walk within 10 feet of that machine.
If you do? Side effects will most definitely include brain turning into goo.

Daytime TV includes infomercials.
Infomercials are by definition, the art of making people believing in a product that has been manufactured and designed by morons.
I admit it, I've been a victim of infomercials when young.
I've convinced my parents to do some useless shopping and buy the Winsor Pilates DVD series, the Magic Bullet, and the Lateral Thigh Stepper.
Have these things benefited our lives in any way?
No. Not really.
One, Magic Bullet is too small. 

No, "Mister Magic Bullet Man" in the TV, your product is NOT the ultimate party machine. I am the ultimate party machine
So go jump off something.

Two, Lateral Thigh Stepper just makes you fall down multiple times and graze your knees. 

Dear, "women on TV who like to lie to the world", I am not having fun exercising. I am not having fun feeling my knees kiss the ground. I am not having fun, full stop.

Three, Winsor Pilates does not make me look like a model. 

You gave me backpain, and a sore neck. My "abs", and my "glutes" did not become like Mari Winsor's, so I will not be putting you in the DVD player any time soon.

Yes, I was a sucker for those products.
However, these products have failed to convince me to buy them.
America has decided that their lives will be much more fulfilled with these products in their lives.
Take a look.


Gee, Daddy, may I have a Hug-E-Gram for my 17th Birthday?
I promise I'll make good use of it! It'll keep me company, because I don't have a boyfriend to do so.
This thing will keep me away from the boys I tell ya!

Duvet Cover titled "Perfect Duvet Cover for Loving Couple"
(I hope no one is offended that there is nudity.)

"So honey, you ready for bed?"

Translation: "Walking Sleeping Bag"

Well, it's about time. I've always tripped up in my own sleeping bag! Let's face it, we ALL take walks to the park in our sleeping bag!
Thank you, Japan, once again, for enlightening us all of this tragedy that haunts us every sleepover and camping trip.

We all need a baby doll with hair placed in inappropriate places.

Education in our world today will shape our tomorrow. It is vital we teach kids how to shave.
More importantly, we teach them where.

How about a game of golf while I take a dump?

The future everyone. Instead of addressing your customers over a game of golf on the turf, let's save some money, and go over to the company toilets instead!

There is no picture of the actual "Pet Rock". It merely is a....rock.

This sold a total 2million in America.
Chris Brown sold 260,000 albums internationally following the Rihanna Bashing Crisis.

I don't go to school. Does this mean I have a lot of time on my hands?
Why good sir, yes, yes I do.
My average day includes reading, eating (a lot), computer, and watching TV.
At times I will think about the infinite piles of things I have yet to sort out and do.
Such as, my Japanese Kumon worksheets that are dated "Aug 2009", and my unpacked luggage from the Malaysia trip my brother and I came back from...two months ago.
I am a procrastinator.
The first step is always admitting you have a problem.
There, first step conquered, first step done. I will stop now.

Maybe I'll do some infomerical shopping before I clean my room.
Sounds about right.

All my useless love always,
