Tuesday, February 23, 2010

my first blogging experience

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to start a blog.

Why not start earlier? Ah. Good question.
Answer? My pride.
Well, where do I even BEGIN?
Firstly, I was intimidated by capable and witty bloggers in the blogosphere whom managed to write with extreme flair and elegance.
Secondly, I was afraid that it was a bad time to start writing. I was afraid that my lack of vocabulary in the English language would make my blog a bore to read.
Thirdly, I was afraid of bad feedback about my blog. Worst of all, I was afraid of no feedback about my blog.

Do I need to go on? Seriously.

Ah I am not good with first impressions :P ...i'm not a very positive person, I know. I'm working on it. Half cup full yeah?

I guess the decision to start a blog is not because my opinion of blogging has evolved overnight, but purely because I want the ones I love the most to know what's happening in my life.
Many events have taken place, and circumstances have changed over the past years.
Unfortunately, I've only managed to keep hand written diaries for perhaps a solid month or two.. then it kinda just stops. =/

Blogging seems so much easier than a diary.
I want all my memories of life written down. I'm afraid of it withering away into the corners of my mind, never to be told ever again.
My life so far has been translated into songs, and lyrics..
But I want more. I want to be versatile and write anything.
Therefore, welcome to my blog everyone!
I will try my best to write well :)

I will be embarking on a one year exchange to Tokyo, Japan very soon.
Am I excited? Surprisingly....no. I'm dreading it, funnily enough.
I am definitely grateful for getting this opportunity to go to Japan, don't get me wrong here. It's just I'll have a hugiant list of the things I'll miss back here in New Zealand.

Things such as the random breezy walks I take to the park and back at 8PM because I feel like it. I doubt I will be able to do this in Japan. I would probably be stuck in some random school doing some random work. Things I take for granted such as my piano, my guitar, my unlimited internet, for instance.

I would also miss weekends. You don't get weekends in Japan! HOW do people cope? I think they're all robots, disguised as humans. I would miss the beach? Tokyo is ... a hellhole of buildings, really. =/ I've been there too, back in '08. It's really nothing but buildings and lights. It's pretty, but it's artificial. It's not God's handiwork.

I would miss my family, my church, my friends.. everything, really. The list goes on, and on.. and on. I'll miss the comfort of home. But I need to grow up. Therefore, going on this exchange is really best for me to become an independent person.

I'm hoping that I'll make friends on this website. It'll sure keep me company in Japan, especially if I suddenly feel lonely or homesick, I have a feeling this website is gonna reassure me that home's not far.

All my love always,



  1. Well written! Rest assured, your first entry is so much better than a lot of the rubbish that I had the displeasure of coming across. Keep up the good work.^^
    Enjoy Japan. Be safe and Gad bless you.

  2. Very good start April :D
    You'll do great in the Land of the Rising Sun, I know it!

    Now when are you starting vlogging? :P

  3. Vlogging!
    Your going to be highly amused
    But I have a bunch of videos right now
    Waiting to be uploaded
    Including music covers. Yes. Music covers. =/

  4. Hahaha. OMG. I need to seeeeeee!

  5. NO way!
    Its so bad. I need to go to the Apple Store and buy a BlueSnowflake mic, by the way =/

  6. whoa !
    good april :)

    and and you're going to JAPAN ?
    omg !
