Thursday, February 25, 2010

college scare

Don't you love the feeling of home?
The quiet, the comfort.
Especially the minute you open the front door and call out warily for potential existence, and when silence greets you, this wave of gratitude floods your entire being because you've discovered that:
A) Your parents are still out working
B) Your brother isn't at home to laugh at his computer screen loudly.

It's just you, and all this space.
I regret to inform that I did not have the privilege to enjoy this space today.

Today was busy. Crazy, busy.

Today, I went to the city with my good friend who's pursuing a BA in Law. (Yeah I know, pretty ninja)
I decided to tag along with her to her classes, sit in, and get to know what uni life really is all about.
I discovered a few things.
1) BCOM people are not fans of Law people.
2) Law people usually bomb out of first year pretty quickly.
3) Girls flirt with their professors-a heck of a lot. 
4) The cafeteria is horrible.
5) People would naturally lose weight because of the terrible food and insane amount of uphill walking one would have to undertake.
6) The computer screens in Auckland Uni are big. Big, big big.
7) The toilets have room numbers on them.
8) Starbucks is located approximately a 10 minute walk away from campus.
9) More Asians flock around the Business school area.
10) The chances of seeing an Asian in the Maori Studies Building is close to impossible.

I've been forced to consider my uni plans now instead of later because of my quick departure to Japan. Upon my arrival, I would virtually have zero time to slowly consider my options, and take my own sweet time to make a decision on what I want to study.
Apparently deadlines do exist, and so do cutbacks! Ah, what has our world come to. If only I had no ambitions whatsoever, and was satisfied with working in McDonald's. Or even Burger King.
I'm hoping no one made a (T_T) face just then. You all know that BK is a HUGE step up from MCDS. Come on. BK has more nutrition content!
Burger King burgers look like they have more ingredients in the photos.
Therefore, more ingredients= more skills required in making a burger. Mmm. =p

Ah some things just sound so much better in my head. I'll learn over time not to publish such rants :)

Not attending high school before I leave for Japan means an extended summer holiday for me.
This is usually great news. Heck, its insane news. Who gets a holiday from Nov-April? That's ridiculous!
However, with all this spare time on my hands, I tend to think.

I think about both the irrelevant, and the relevant.
Irrelevant would be Mr Tiger Scumbag Woods and his many mistresses.
Relevant would be... ah, my future* perhaps. That seems pretty important. :]
(*haha i just utilized the bold function there, pretty clever huh? XD)

But in all severity, I am genuinely worried.
Kids that are in first year all gave me the impression that they're pretty kickass. Worse still, they act like they're pretty kickass.  =/
So what to pursue? A Bachelor of Arts majoring in Bla and minoring in Bla Blah?
How about a BA conjoint? I could always do a BA/BBLABLA.

Ah so many choices. Just like Burger King. We can *have it our way*
I'm sorry. That was a horrible, horrible pun.
My jokes are not that hilarious, are they.
No, not really XD

All this college talk.
I'm silly for worrying, I know.
"Oh April, your only 16... Live your life!"
"April stop being a douche."
"I don't even know what to do with you."
"So, why am I your friend again?"

I'll learn one day.
Just like how I'll learn not to publish blogs you'll regret publishing.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Don't eat at any of the above fast food chains I've mentioned in here.
You just might die.

So on that happy note... =p

All my love always,


  1. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

    "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)

  2. I needed that =]

    Its funny, in my bible, i highlighted that verse over and over again with various colors hoping it will sink into my brain, but it just never does > <

    thank you!

  3. haha nice post! though it feels like i'm reading a poem half the time. =D

    chill April. i'll get you a McFlurry next time if you calm down k? =P

    what are your options btw?

  4. a poem???
    go read shakespeare la :P thats more of a poem than my writing anyday!

    I am calm! I'm always calm! *hyperventilates*

    my options for uni? I listed them in the blog above :P
    but um, its either a BA, BA/BMUS or BA/BCOM? I'm still deciding...

  5. 1) BCOM people are not fans of Law people.
    2) Law people usually bomb out of first year pretty quickly.
    3) Girls flirt with their professors-a heck of a lot.
    4) The cafeteria is horrible.
    5) People would naturally lose weight because of the terrible food and insane amount of uphill walking one would have to undertake.
    6) The computer screens in Auckland Uni are big. Big, big big.
    7) The toilets have room numbers on them.
    8) Starbucks is located approximately a 10 minute walk away from campus.
    9) More Asians flock around the Business school area.
    10) The chances of seeing an Asian in the Maori Studies Building is close to impossible.

    in response to these observations:
    1) That might be minority, considering the huge amount of ppl actually doing BA and BA/BL conjoint
    2) Sounds about right
    3) Mmm....probably. tho some profs are actually quite awesome and most of them wants to have contact with students more. and alot of profs teach better personally than through lectures.
    4) You didn't go to the right place. Try the quad. Its not too bad
    5) Quad food makes u fat not skinny :P
    6) mhmm. ITS AWESOME!!
    7) never really realised, thx for mentioning :D
    8) there are closer ones, and there are around 3 in the uni area within walking distance.
    9) probably about as much as in the engineering area
    10) too true too true

    it's good to think about ur future at this particular time. great timing on ur part ^^

    You'll get bored of the 4 month summer vacation by the end of 2 and a half months. It's true.

    You should cut down on the bk no matter how nice it is xD

  6. HAHA. :) il take a note on the professor thing, thanks XD
    no, im not going to flirt, i'l just attempt to produce a lot of good solid work :D

    if starbucks is that close to uni
    all my savings will go towards it, which SUCKS.
    starbucks is not cheap :(
