Thursday, November 3, 2011


I took a course in American History this semester.
Along with my long list of bad life choices, this one has gotta be in the top ten.
I could have taken a Western Sexualities paper instead- but I decided to study about capitalism and consumerism. Oh, and about freedom. And liberty. And freedom from liberty. And liberty from freedom. T___T I kid you not, it was a confusing course.

Freedom's definitions throughout the course of American history inevitably developed and altered to fit society's expectations- but it came to a point where these expectations were never met, and there seemed to always be a reason for a reform, and a reason for instability. If they had gotten their shit together, I wouldn't have had to stress over several decades of reform in the exam today. Seriously, people. Tsk.

At one point freedom took roots in the ability to consume absolutely everything. Freedom to buy whatever shit you wanted without paying a single cent of it.
It's apparent that freedom does indeed mean that in the present day and age.

For me, freedom means never having having to study American history ever, ever again. 
I feel oddly liberated after having done my history exam, and though my microeconomics exam is less than five days away, I am strangely relaxed and calm.
The panic will undoubtedly kick in tomorrow, as I realise I can't even draw a cost curve graph without consulting Dr. Google.

But here's to the end of American history, and good riddance.

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