Monday, October 3, 2011


Protect me from the rain, wherever I go
However far I roam, open them above me.
The colors of red, blue, crimson, and violet
High above me they cover all possibilities --- but then you wonder
If ever a time as good as now;
how do the drops of rain feel when they hit the ground?

Protect me from all the pain, wherever I go
However long I'm away, open them above me.
The colors of indigo, purple, the starry night above.
So wide they cover yet so little they do; I'm stuck hidden from all truth.
If ever a time as good as any; let me know you'll let me go.

Beautiful as they are, and beautiful as you may be
I'll learn to let go slowly, these umbrellas are closing in
The rain may fall, and I will surely drown
The absence of you at first is too profound

The rain dries, and the sky opens up the blue
The smell of sunshine after rain- what can stop me missing you?

Protect me from nothing, there is no point to shelter
The rain from my beloved, I welcome it no longer.

I'll sit and ponder about all the times we've had
Were they real? Were they true? Or just like rain...
...all fade to grey but when color it does not lack,
it paints me, floods me, the feel of you too good to be true.

I'm still me, but you're just this memory,
faded like the grey, protect me you can't never again, not today.

So you put up your umbrella and shelter another.

Promise me, you'll truly love her.

No matter how briefly- like that night in September.

a poem for you. 

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