Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bunster 'Venture #1: Lemon Meringue Pie

I am supposed to be studying furiously for an Equity test tomorrow, but somehow my mind can't focus.
My tummy has been grumbling non stop, and though I have wolfed down an entire box of japchae, it is not satiated. Why. Winter, I blame you.

Okay, I really can only blame myself and my absolute love for food. If only I loved the gym as much.

Naturally, to procrastinate even more, I am sabotaging my health and fitness goals by revisiting my Instagram feed for food. So in the spirit of #tbt, here is the heavenly, absolutely angelic lemon meringue pie from Federal, featured above.

I will term these little blog entries "Bunster 'Ventures", because most of these food blog entries will derive from a certain moment of weakness. But who can really say no to citrus-y goodness and flaky pastry, all nestled underneath a mountain of joy, the joy that is whipped meringue? And, to top it all off, freeze-dried raspberries? Come on now. What a tease.

If you are ever around Sky City, pop by Federal and get yourself a slice of this pie. Do it. I promise you, all your troubles will melt away. Or do yourself a massive favour, and order the trio tasting platter, with lemon meringue, banana toffee, and chocolate cherry. We were not smart enough to order said platter... and I think I may be tempted to persuade a certain Mr. to satiate my dessert pie craving in a few minutes.

Oh god, I am so hungry.

Here's to many more bunster 'ventures. Hope the next instalment is in a couple of hours (and by that, I mean in the next ten minutes), because I am literally melting away in this library without those pies in my tummy.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Have you ever felt it?

A spark, a tingling, pulsing excitement - a connection with someone, just in a glimpse, a smile.
The kind of smile that you didn't know you had in you.
You can't control it, its not mechanical. A smile that changes into laughter.
A smile that radiates from your eyes and the very core of you all at the same time.

Who knew, I could still be having firsts?

And yet here I go, armed with reality's needle, I popped my hope balloon.
Don't fall - no one will catch you.
Don't trust - not even yourself.
For just as fast as I tried not to fall, you slipped out of my reality.
And we fell out of sync, you and I.

That September night, indigo sky, stars alight.

But its as though you never left. 
Burning sand. Burning heart. 
Your soft gaze, electric touch. 
Chemistry undeniable, and at times, too much.  

Falling slowly yet all at once.
Ten and the two is the loneliest sight, but you've always held me tight.
In any case, I want to fall. 

Cold night, dark room.
Here I am, and yet I find you.

So let's hop away somewhere - white terraced apartments and a beautiful cobble street road, infinite stories of love within these walls.


As long as I am with you.


Rabbits don't sweat. Rabbit Facts.
