Tuesday, December 6, 2011

London Day Two: Camden Town

Today was an extremely relaxed and casual day. I was surprised that I took more photos today than I did yesterday though! A total of 100 photos taken at Camden Town today and although time ran out for Kat to accompany me to Regents Park. I apologize in advance if I upload more photos to this blog than write any actual proper content. You’d think that having vegetarian curry for dinner would be healthy, but for some reason my skinny jeans are hugging me around the waist just a little too tight for comfort.


kat in mid-yawn

Walking throughout Camden Town, Kat and I were discussing the similarities in atmosphere between the marketplace and Harajuku. Funny enough, shops in Camden also sell cosplay! Most of the shops sold things similar in product availability and design to one another, and there were definitely more tourists around Camden Town than there were yesterday at the markets. 

Another thing I managed to do today was sit on a red double-decker bus! I compiled a huge mental list in my head of all the things I wanted to do in the UK, and on that exhaustive and extremely cultured list, one of the things to do was sit on a red double-decker bus. Apart from that, I also had fish and chips the night before R and I came to London, so that’s another thing I can cross off!
Camden Town Station

I do realize that this list is rather simplistic, but considering the intense academic year I had at university, and my desire for an extremely relaxing holiday, so far England has not disappointed me. Of course I am much more relaxed back up in Durham, but I am with different company and in a different city- there’s no fair means of comparing Durham to London, I don’t think.

I bought myself a T shirt and a necklace today, and felt immediately guilty about it afterwards. I think the intense self restraint yesterday on my part concerning the leather bag might have impaired my logic in effective decision making towards appropriate purchases…and eating habits. Nevertheless- I am enjoying my shirt, and loving the necklace! Hoping I can wear them soon, though a T shirt might not be the best idea given the decrease in temperature recently in the UK.

Overall, the trip to Camden Town was short but sweet. I’m hoping to go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow, and send out postcards to friends and family too. There might be a possibility that I’ll be having fancy afternoon tea (that costs more than my T shirt, mind you), and visiting Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park! I’m quite excited.

All my love always,


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