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Jude Law; in case you all haven't seen this hunk around town like I have. |
0 comments and counting, I see how you all love me dearly. Thank you.
I have noticed that my proficiency in my favourite language, (English) has started to slip at an alarming rate.
Not so in that my imaginary Leo would freeze to death in the time I try and read a paragraph, but very much so that he would be dead beyond hope by the time I even open a book and struggle through a sentence.
There are so many words that I didn't know existed in English.
Amongst other floozy subjects, I am taking Law in my Bachelor of Shit-I-Really-Can't-Do-Maths this year.
Just because I thought it'd be fun, I decided to grab a few textbooks off friends/brother's friends that have already attempted law and thought it was 'easy'.
Yeah, these people you gotta watch out for.
The kind that tell you that they do not study, but in reality, they would probably give up a sexy happy time with Jessica Alba or Chace Crawford themselves for an all-night cram session memorizing the different types of law property there are.
Being the budding university freshman as myself, I'd drop my panties instantly if a Hollywood star was to show up in my bedroom.
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Unfortunately, I'm good at neither. |
It was just yesterday when I thought 'tomorrow', was spelt with two m's.
And speaking of spelling.
Is it 'spelled', or 'spelt'.
The longer you look at the word 'spelt', it just looks like an 's' has been wrongly placed in front of the word 'pelt'.
Does it not?
Reading my borrowed blue law book, I've also picked up on the many words I do not know the meaning of.
For example; amalgamation.
Amalgamation. I repeated this about ten times aloud, as if saying it would enable my brain to dissect it phonetically and somehow, therein would lie the definition.
After attempting to do this and inevitably failing, I did the sensible thing, and consulted my best friend Google.
Google then disappoints me by giving me the definition of amalgamation.
a·mal·ga·ma·tion (ah.mawl.gah.maey.shen)1. The act of amalgamating or the condition resulting from this act.
How does changing the noun into a verb make it any more sense!
Just, someone, explain to me the logic of how that works.
How about this for a defintion.
bull・shit (bool.sheet)
1. The act of bullshitting and what lawyers would do to get your money
Or how about this one:
I am also frustrated at how the first part of this book is just ...boring history.A・pril Wo・ng (ay-puh-reel-woh-ung)1. The human form of the word 'procrastination', and a prime example of ADD.
Apologies for mixing the word boring and history together; I think History is brilliant, really.
I just don't know why I can't seem to tap into Law the way I do with European History, or Classical Studies.
"When there is not despotism there is anarchy"In my head, despotism...IS anarchy, so.. once again, my comprehension skills in English are failing me, and I am finding myself blogging as a direct result of my lack of motivation to try and understand that quote.
I bet a lot of you will actually find logic in that quote above, and I'm just being the lazy and illogical person I've grown to become, and am reading it like "when there is not oranges, there are oranges"
...or something like that.
I'm only on page 5 of this 320page lecture book font size -2billion, and I can't believe the sheer number of times I've had to resort to re-reading the sentence in order to grasp some meaning out of it.
Lots of dates, too many random names like Sir Edward Coke, to whom I refer to as "coke whore guy", and get disapproving looks from my family when I make excuses not to read my fat blue book of bullshit.
Great start, really. Great start.
It would be ideal for me to fall madly and hopelessly in love with law though.
Because then I'd get to apply for an exchange in the year of 2013 to Kings College in London.
If I was to end up loving Law, my plans to live abroad next year would also be terminated.
So I don't know what's going to happen, but until university actually starts, and I properly begin a study plan, I don't have the power to plan for the future just yet.
There are approximately... two more weeks(or maybe less), until university starts, and a week till orientation begins.
I am really nervous.
For one, I haven't had proper human interaction in quite a while.
My friends don't count; they're all really awkward. ;)
So I've been working on how to approach people before/after lectures, so that I wouldn't end up being the social outcast in university.
I won't be living in a dorm, so I'm quite worried about making friends without that excuse of 'hey lets grab lunch in the convenient hour gap between fourth and fifth period...'
Summer is going by quite slow.
I've been hanging out with my cousins quite a bit; and showing a Japanese friend around town is quite interesting too.
Coromandel awaits us in two more days, and I still have yet to find a bikini that would somehow look flattering on a body that isn't.
The cousins and I rented out an apartment to live in for two days.
It's about a step away from the beach, and we have booked kayaking lessons and all that..
Oh, what torture.
I should also get off the computer and stop stalking random people on Facebook, and go to the gym.
It would be nice to start university because I think then will I stop being on holiday summer mode.
I've had two summers this year.
One being the fun-filled too short one in Japan, and now the slow, very boring, and quiet summer in New Zealand.
I am craving for inspiration; and can think of only a couple of ways in which I can be inspired.
In the meantime, I will continue to slave away at my law book.
Not too sure at what benefit this is going to do for me, considering the fact that I'm already seven lectures behind schedule. ;)
By the way, the definition of amalgamation is just pretty much a fancy word for a merger.
In case there are any more idiots out there whom read my blog and did not know that this word existed.
Shame on you. :P
All my love always,
You write a lot. And they're not even rubbish. Mine's just mindcrap.